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marți, 31 mai 2011

True Facts with Theanti

If religion shouldn`t divide, then why do you say Kosovo is not Serbia?

luni, 30 mai 2011

Politics of War - Ep. 11

Voice of Europe, head titles

The Iberian Mutual Defense Pact Signed!


Groundbreaking news from Iberia today: President Manuele Ariaga and King Alfonso XIII have signed a treaty uniting these two great powers.
This treaty is to be seen as a dual-monarchy type government. It should be know that any nation that goes to war with Spain is at war with Portugal, and any who are at war with Portugal are at war with Spain.

Regarding Austria Hungary, rumors are that the Spanish king expressed his interest due to its Hadsburg roots.

Austrian-Hungarian Minister Begins Preparation for Balkans Conference


The Foreign Minister has pledged to proceed with the preparations.

Apparently he had some discussions with the Byzantine and Russian governments over the matter. "With those three empires at the table," a renowned political analyst said, "there can be some substantive progress in deciding the future of the Balkans. Of course, this will likely mean the absorption of all the smaller nations into the larger empires."

Sources close to the Foreign Ministry can attest to the seriousness the issue is being treated.

vineri, 27 mai 2011

Friday, it's a magical day, it's music day with Canibal


I-am mai prezentat de cateva ori la aceasta rubrica sau pe langa. Oricum, daca esti ascultator de prog si nu ai auzit de ei, asta e, mai ai timp sa-ti revii.
Ei bine, trebuie sa recunosc ca nu stiam mare lucru despre albumele lor "mai recente". Tot ceea ce m-a interesat au fost albumele lor din anii '70. Dar Atomic Rooster au scos inca doua albume in anii 80. Ce facem cu alea, nu le mai ascultam? Evident ca da si veti ramane surprinsi sa observati influenta de new wave in partea vocala pe albumul din '83. Si la partea de instrumental, lucrurile stau bine de tot. Inca nu am verificat toate piesele de pe cele doua albume, dar din cat am ascultat, va fac o mica selectie.

ATOMIC ROOSTER - Dance Of Death (Headline News) 1983

ATOMIC ROOSTER - Hold Your Fire (Headline News) 1983

ATOMIC ROOSTER - Metal Minds (Headline News) 1983

ATOMIC ROOSTER - They Took Control Of You (Atomic Rooster) 1980

joi, 26 mai 2011

Elif Safak (2)

Familia Rubinstein trăia în America, în Northampton, într-o casă mare în stil victorian, de culoare crem. De oricâte modificări, de oricâte reparaţii ar fi avut nevoie, era încă o construcţie fastuoasă: cinci dormitoare, un garaj de trei maşini, cu parchet masiv şi cu uşi de modă franţuzească; peste astea, un jacuzzi minunat în grădină. Toată familia era asigurată: asigurare de viaţă, asigurare auto, asigurări pentru furt, de incendiu şi de sănătate, pensii, economii pentru atunci când copiii vor ajunge la universitate şi conturi bancare comune... Pe lângă casa în care stăteau, mai aveau două apartamente de lux, unul în Boston, iar celălalt în Rhode Island. Pentru a obţine toate acestea, şi Ella şi David au muncit din greu. Visul unei case măricele, în care copii aleargă fericiţi la fiecare etaj şi în care persistă un miros de prăjituri cu scorţişoară, abia scoase de la cuptor, era cel mai mare ideal al vieţii lor, deşi unora li s-ar părea un clişeu. Asupra acestui scop comun îşi construiseră căsnicia, iar cu timpul şi-au îndeplinit toate visurile.
Anul trecut de Ziua Îndrăgostiţilor, David i-a dăruit Ellei un colier de diamante în formă de inimă. Alături i-a strecurat o felicitare cu baloane şi ursuleţi:

Dragă Ella,
Femeie calmă, tandră, darnică, evlavioasă şi răbdătoare...
Îţi sunt recunoscător că m-ai acceptat aşa cum sunt şi pentru că eşti soţia mea.
Soţul tău care te va iubi pe veci,


Ella nu a putut mărturisi nimănui – în special soţului ei – dar ce-i drept, când citi acele rânduri, parcă citi propriul necrolog. „Oricum, când voi muri, vor spune asta pe la spatele meu” se gândi. Şi dacă ar fi sinceri şi corecţi, ar trebui să adauge şi cuvintele astea:

„Întreaga viaţă a dragei noastre Ella a fost alături de soţul şi copii ei. Nu a ştiut să facă faţă diferitelor dificultăţi ale vieţii, de una singură. Nu a ştiut niciodată să-şi asume un risc. Nu a putut să lase din mână sentimentul de siguranţă. Chiar şi pentru a schimba marca cafelei pe care o bea, trebuia să se gândească îndelung. Aşa de timidă, aşa de blândă şi de fricoasă era; dacă este îngăduită expresia, făcea pe ea de frică.”

Din cauza acestor motive binecunoscute, nimeni nu a putut înţelege şi nici chiar ea, cum a ajuns Ella Rubinstein, într-o dimineaţă, după douăzeci de ani de căsnicie, să divorţeze de soţul ei, să se elibereze din căsnicia ei, să pornească de una singură, într-o călătorie cu final necunoscut...


Dar, desigur, avea un motiv: Dragostea!
Ella s-a îndrăgostit, într-un fel în care nu se aştepta, de cine nu se aştepta.
Nu trăiau în acelaşi oraş, nici măcar pe acelaşi continent. Lăsând la o parte distanţa mare dintre ei, personalităţile lor semănau precum ziua cu noaptea. Stilurile lor de viaţă erau cât se poate de diferite. Între ei exista o prăpastie. Chiar şi în condiţii normale fiindu-le greu să se suporte, să se iubească ar fi fost o întâmplare neaşteptată. Dar s-a întâmplat. Şi s-a întâmplat aşa de repede, încât Ella, nici măcar înţelegând ce se întâmplă, nu s-a putut feri. Desigur, în cazul în care omul se poate feri de dragoste!
Dragostea a căzut în viaţa Ellei, precum piatra în lac. Şi a zdruncinat-o, a zguduit-o, a răvăşit-o.

Elif Şafak (1)

Elif Şafak 
traducere din limba turcă: Canibal


Chiar dacă o piatră ar cădea într-un râu, nu s-ar observa efectul. S-ar undui uşor suprafaţa apei. Ar ieşi un sunet vag; nici nu s-ar auzi în mijlocul râului; s-ar pierde în vuietul râului. Cam asta s-ar întâmpla.
Dar dacă aceeaşi piatră ar cădea într-un lac...Efectul ar fi mult mai persistent şi dramatic. Piatra aceea, ar învolbura acele ape liniştite. În locul pe care l-ar atinge piatra, s-ar face mai întâi un inel; inelul ar înmuguri, acei muguri ar înflori, s-ar deschide şi s-ar deschide, s-ar dubla. Câte poate să facă o piatră micuţă, într-o clipită. S-ar împrăştia, fără să te aştepţi, pe întreaga suprafaţă. Cercurile s-ar întrepătrunde, până când ultimul cerc s-ar lovi de mal.
Râul e obişnuit cu agitaţia, cu tumultul. Şi-aşa caută motive să urle, trăieşte intens, fierbe repede. Înghite piatra aruncată; şi-o însuşeşte, o asimilează, după care o uită cu uşurinţă. Orice ar fi, haosul este în natura lui. Ce înseamnă o piatră în plus sau în minus.
Să spunem că lacul nu este pregătit să se învolbureze, aşa, de-odată. O piatră este de ajuns să-l întorci de-a valma, să-l bruschezi tocmai în adâncurile lui. După întâlnirea cu piatra, lacul nu mai este acelaşi, nu ar putea.

Viaţa Ellei Rubinstein era ca un lac liniştit. Se apropia de vârsta de 40 de ani. Toate aceste obişnuinţe, nevoi şi alegeri sunt monotone. Curgerea zilelor este ca o linie neîntreruptă; aşa de uniformă, ordonată şi ordinară. În special, în ultimii douăzeci de ani, şi-a aranjat toate detaliile din viaţa ei în funcţie de căsătorie. Fiecare dorinţă pe care o avea, fiecare prieten pe care şi-l făcea, chiar şi cele mai puţin importante decizii le-a luat în funcţie de asta. Unica busolă care-i oferea o direcţie erau casa şi căsnicia.
Soţul ei, David, este un cunoscut medic stomatolog; foarte bun în meseria lui şi care câştigă foarte bine. Legătura dintre ei nu era prea strânsă. Ella era conştientă de această situaţie, dar, în realitate, credea că într-o căsătorie, priorităţile sunt diferite. Sunt lucruri mai importante într-o căsnicie decât dragostea şi pasiunea: toleranţa, afecţiunea, înţelegerea, respectul şi răbdarea...Şi, desigur, o altă calitate absolut necesară în fiecare căsnicie: iertarea! În cazul în care puteţi, căci trebuie să puteţi, când v-a supărat soţul vostru, căci v-ar putea supăra, faceţi ce faceţi şi iertaţi-l!
Că e dragoste sau nu, un întreg interval! Ce importanţă are? Aşa numita dragoste a rămas în urmă pe lista de priorităţi a Ellei. Numai în filme apare dragostea asta. Sau numai în cărţi. Numai aici, o fată şi un băiat s-ar putea iubi aşa, cu o pasiune legendară parcă luată din basme. Dar viaţa, viaţa reală nu e nici film, nici carte!
În capul listei de priorităţi a Ellei, erau copiii. Jeannette, frumoasa lor fată era la universitate. Gemenii (fata pe nume Orly, băiatul pe nume Avi) erau chiar în perioada pubertăţii. Aveau şi un golden retriever, în vârstă de doisprezece ani: „Gölge”. Când l-au adus în casa asta, era încă un mic pui. Până azi, a fost prietenul de plimbare, tovarăşul ei. Ce-i drept, acum a îmbătrânit, s-a îngrăşat, aproape că-i chior şi surd, i s-a împlinit sorocul lui Gölge. Dar nu-i venea să se gândească că într-o zi, câinele ei ar putea muri. Ella era o astfel de persoană, nu accepta niciodată sfârşiturile; fie că era vorba de o perioadă, fie că era vorba de un obicei învechit, fie că era vorba de o relaţie terminată, nu era capabilă să recunoască moartea. Nu se împăca cu sfârşiturile, de fel, nici chiar atunci când se afla în faţa lor.

marți, 24 mai 2011

Politics of War - Ep. 10

Nordic Suitor


With the recent Italian announcement that the Queen may in fact be searching or at the very least interested in finding a suitor, Prince Wilhelm, the second oldest of Emperor Gustav’s children has begun making preparations to travel to Italy.

This has met with mixed views from the government and people. Viceroy Christian X and his staff have taken no official stance on the mater, but it is speculated that the Viceroy is at least not opposed to the mater.

The advisors of the still ill Emperor Gustav have announced that he his opposed to the possibility of a marriage between the Italian Queen and his son. His disapproval possibly stemming from hopes that the soured relationship between the Prince and Grand Duchess Maria of Russia may improve.

Also one of the popular tabloids in Sweeden has on the front page the article with the title “The Prince should be with whoever pleases”.
“These Nobles make such a dramatic and public event out of something that is a personal matter”, says Iguana `Lighioana` Thorhild, known for dating various nobles.

luni, 23 mai 2011

Politics of War - Ep. 9

Balkans Summit Proposed


The Austrian-Hungarian Foreign Minister intimated to reporters yesterday afternoon that he would seek the Emperor's approval to host a summit or conference over the future of the Balkans.

Speaking over cigars at one of Vienna's most exclusive clubs, the Minister said he did not want to call the conference out of a sense of emergency, but rather he believed that there was a great opportunity to build accord.

"I foresee greater cooperation between the Dual Monarchy and Russia over this matter," he remarked while gesturing with his cigar. "With issues over the Balkans settled, there stands little in the way between Austrian-Russian interchange and agreement. Let me also stress the Byzantine Empire would be an integral partner in such undertaking."

As to when the summit or conference might be held, the minister stated that he would like to discuss with other governments first.

vineri, 20 mai 2011

Munca, munca….vine VARA

Surpriza . Pentru mine asa e cel putin! De ce? Simplu. Eram vesnica studenta. De cate ori eram intrebata: “vii in oras?”, “iesi in oras?” , “ facem si noi ceva in seara asta?” raspunsul era vesnic acelasi: “ nu pot, am examen” sau “nu pot am un curs”. Ii adusesem la disperare pe toti. Intrebarea “ ba tu cand te apuci de munca?” imi era pusa de 100 de ori pe luna. Asa ca intr-o zi i-am socat pe toti. M-am angajat. Cea mai mare greseala a mea. La inceput au ras toti. Nu le venea sa creada. Cred ca nici acum nu le vine. Ma fac ca muncesc de trei luni. Eu nu prea inteleg cum vine asta cu programul fix. Te duci acolo, termini ce ai de facut, mult prea repede si apoi esti obligat sa te uiti pe pereti pentru tot restul zilei. Practic pierzi vremea. Si mai grav, un dobitoc te si plateste sa te uiti pe pereti. Asta cu uitatul pe pereti e un sport, cred eu, de birou. Mi-e nu imi place. Ma plictiseste groaznic. Macar am internet. ( e al meu de acasa si pot sa fac ce vreau, ca restul nu au acces la nimic). Da nici asta nu ma ajuta. Nu inteleg. De ce nu pot pleca acasa dupa ce termin ce am de facut? Uitatul pe pereti e timp mort. Cate as putea sa fac in timpul asta….

Dar saptamana trecuta am facut nefacutul. Mi-am dat demisia. Le-am zis ca nici nu ma intereseaza daca ma platesc pentru luna pe care am muncit-o ( era inainte de salariu). Deci gata cu munca! Cel putin cu munca asta! Gata cu cozile interminabile de la Registru si de registratura instantelor. De azi sunt libera. Sunt iarasi studenta. Sunt fericita. Imi iau banii si plec. Mi-au obosit ochii de la uitatul pe pereti.

Vine vara bine imi pare… !!!

Friday, it's a magical day, it's music day with Canibal

Canibal is opening his box of progressive gems and he is giving you a taste of heavy progish art rock from LUCIFER WAS. This is a band from the 70's. They played without recording an album, until 1997, when they release Underground and Beyond, showing an immense potential and laying the bricks for the upcoming albums (In Anadi's Bower, Blues from Hellah, The Divine Tree, The Crown of Creation).

LUCIFER WAS - Darkness (Underground and Beyond) 1997

LUCIFER WAS - My Mind Said Stop (In Anadi's Bower) 2000

LUCIFER WAS - Leave and Let Leave (Blues From Hellah) 2004

No video from the album The Divine Tree.

LUCIFER WAS - Unformed and Void (The Crown of Creation) 2010

joi, 19 mai 2011

True Facts with Theanti

Cannon = "noun", a tool for border corrections.

Politics of War - Ep. 8

Nordic People Unified


Today a dream centuries old has been made to come true. Nordic Unity has been made a reality for the first time since the collapse of the Kalmar Union centuries ago.
The Monarchs of Denmark and Sweden-Norway as well as representatives from Finland have met in the Swedish capital city of Stockholm.

Gustav V, Karl Knutson and Christian I, the three leaders of the Nordic countries world have come together and declared the formation of the Nordic Empire!

The negations’ have taken nearly a decade. This long wait has been nothing compared to the centuries already waited but as of now the entire Nordic world from Greenland to Finland will fly under one banner, the Nordic Banner!

The concessions have been many for all. The dual Swedish-Norwegian throne will be divided. The wildly popular younger brother of Christian X will take the Norwegian throne. Finland a historic part of Sweden shall remain separate as a Grand Duchy under the rule of now Grand Duke Christian I.

Economically the Danes and Finns will adopt the Swedish Krona and previously restricted national waters will be opened to merchant and fishing vessels from their now fellow Imperial States. These compromises were not made without gain however for Swedish Kong Gustav V and his decedents shall take up the mantle as Emperor of the Nordic Empire.

Upon the taking of the title of Emperor Gustav’s younger brother Prince Oscar shall be crowned Kong of Sweden.

Combined the Kingdoms of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden with the Grand Duchy of Finland shall hold elections every four years to elect a supreme parliament. The electoral majority winner will then be ‘appointed’ by their respective Monarch or Duke.

While today is a true day of celebration Kong Gustav V is has taken gravely ill and is unable able to take part in the celebrations. With what has not been made public. Until Gustav can recover however Christian X shall rule in his place as Viceroy.

Internationally a storm may already be brewing as the Russians have proclaimed some form of Lordship over Finland. This has been seen as situation that could spark conflict should the Russians attempt to exert control over Finland or attempt an incursion of their own into our united Nordic lands.

North Recognize Rif and Varangian Guard

Stockholm, Sweeden

With the emergence of the CRR on the international stage Konge of Denmark and Viceroy of the Empire announced the formal recognition of the Confederated Republic of the Rif after consulting the ill Gustav and the parliament. This is seen merely as a formality however as the governments of and Sweden and Denmark both held relations with the Rif which included trade and embassies having been built in Stockholm and Copenhagen in 1910 and 1911 respectively.

With the unification however the embassy of the Rif will be moved to a recently renovated building on the same street that holds a number of other nations embassies.

With the recent accumulation of records from Sweden, Norway, and Denmark it has been announced that approximately 10,000 citizens of the Norden Empire are currently serving as the personal guard of Basileos Alexandros I of the Byzantine Empire. It is a time honored tradition dating back as far as 911 AD and the tradition will continue to live on under our united Empire. In the same announcement the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Finance stated the services of the Varangian Guard will be open to any nation. Employment agreements may be done through Minister of Foreign Affairs Andres Borg.

miercuri, 18 mai 2011

Politics of War - Ep. 7

The Legacy of the Cromwell Order


The year is 1651, Sir Oliver Cromwell and the roundheads defeated Charles I and his royalists, soon after Charles I was founded guilty of high treason and sentenced to an execution. His son, Charles II was assassinated by a roundhead later on in the year in the home he resided in France. This meant that there was no more opposition left to establish the commonwealth so therefore Sir Oliver Cromwell officially established the Commonwealth of England.

Oliver Cromwell expected that sooner or later the other nations of the British Isles would join the Commonwealth with no resistance if he was to not conquer and force the other nations into the commonwealth.

The state of England experienced a very prosperous age as Sir Oliver Cromwell ruled England till his very last breath. However as his heir, Sir Richard Cromwell, Lord Protector, picked up the leadership of England, the time of reforms began. As Sir Richard Cromwell was a far more tolerant character than of his father, Sir Oliver Cromwell. Sir Richard Cromwell removed the strict laws of Protestantism which were placed by his father.

Sir Richard Cromwell grew tired of the delayed unification of the nations of the British Isles and blamed the long parliament which later, in 1668 he officially disestablished and banished from the state. Surprisingly Sir Richard Cromwell met no resistance as the people of the British Isles were tired of fighting civil wars, one after another and also the fact the majority of the British isle were in support of Sir Richard Cromwell’s actions.

After the news of a more tolerant and prosperous leader, in 1676 the Scottish officials had agreed on to join the English commonwealth, this was followed by Wales and the British island states in 1684 and last but not least, Ireland agreed to join in 1698. This meant that Great Britain was unified, Sir Oliver Cromwell's goals were reached but in a altered and far more peaceful way than he would of done himself.

In 1703 the head of states of each nation of the British Isles agreed in Westminster, London to a full unification. This meant that after over 40 years of fighting, talking and diplomatic actions, a full unification of the British Isles was established. This is the birth of the United Kingdom, leaded by Sir Richard Cromwell and his fellow head of states of Ireland, Wales and Scotland.

In 1712, Sir Richard Cromwell passed away but had accomplished many glories and victories that no one else ever could. The Cromwell dynasty grew and by 1845, all head of states were of the Cromwell dynasty.

1914, the year of Sir Adam Cromwell, a full descendant of Sir Oliver Cromwell and Sir Richard Cromwell, a man who has the courage to accomplish and furtherer process what his ancestors have accomplished. On the other hand, by this time the United Kingdom was a very tolerant nation, So both Catholics and Protestants lived with each other in peace and harmony with no social boundaries blocking them.

marți, 17 mai 2011

Politics of War - Ep. 6

Dual Monarchy Recognizes Moroccan Confederation; Emperor Warms to Russian Overtures


The independence of the North African territories now confederated as the Rif, or Morocco, is a accomplishment. They are free from their former European rulers. With this in mind, the Dual Monarchy has extended full recognition and honors to Moroccan diplomats and envoys.

An Austrian-Hungarian Embassy has opened in Fez; a large bank building on a prominent corner has been purchased and is being renovated and furnished as this paper went to press. Experts on foreign policy and trade are quite eager to begin a commercial relationship with the Moroccans. Indeed, the news helped fuel a rally on the Vienna Bourse today as stocks and bonds rose, especially those of banks and merchants who would handle future commerce between the two nations. It is stated several prospectuses are being drafted to form companies in Morocco.

A source close to the Kaiser's court can confirm that Russian attempts to redesign a new League of Emperors or a similar pact were well received. "The Emperor warms at the proposal and the Czar," remarked the informant. "The Emperor and his ministers hope for only stability vis-a-vis the Russian Empire and the wider arena of Eastern Europe." Relations could be derailed over the future of Serbia and Romania, however. The former nation is supporting separatist cells in provinces of the empire whilst the latter nation also has territorial claims. There is fear Russia might place its relations with Serbia above those of Austria-Hungary.

luni, 16 mai 2011

Monday...or later Friday, it's a magical day, it's music day with Canibal

Din cauza unor probleme tehnice aparute la platforma blogspot, nu a fost posibila postarea Friday Music. Cu scuzele de rigoare, aveti mai jos, formatia de vineri.

Ian Gillan-vocals
John Lord-Hammond organ
Tony Iommi-lead guitar
Jason Newsted-bass
Nicko McBrain-drums
Linde Lindstrom-backing guitar

Politics of War - Ep. 5

Russian Empire Seeks Diplomacy, Trade and Cooperation.

St. Petersburg,

The Imperial Capital was abuzz with excitement and energy this afternoon as His Imperial Majesty, Tsar Nicholas II, announced reform for political policy. Missives, telegrams and the such were exchanged between the Foreign Office workers and the Embassies of the great powers. According to the Foreign Minister, Russia and its Empire seek cooperation, diplomacy and trade with the nations of Europe.

Russia, the World's largest Empire, is hopeful to establish and maintain friendly and cooperative relations with the nations of Europe.

St.Petersburg made special emphasis on Russian interests in Poland and more notably Finland. Finland, particularly Viborg, remains a area of "Incredible interest" by St.Petersburg. Incursion into the Finnish and Polish nations will not be ignored or tolerated, the latter depending more on the circumstances. Russia also continues to uphold its sacred role as the great Slavic progenitor and protector, and will work towards the betterment of the Slavic peoples.

Russia maintains its outstanding relations with its smaller Slavic brethren, such as nations like Serbia.

On the other hand, Russia continues to toast the fair treatment of Habsburg Hungary by Vienna. Tsar Nicholas II also personally commented on his hope for a return of the League of Three Emperors--A union between the German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian Empires. The Tsar informed state press through his secretaries that he will write to the leaders of Vienna and Berlin regarding the matter. The Tsar is also hopeful for reconciliation and understanding with the Byzantine Empire.

More news is expected to follow from the Imperial Capital as the day progresses.

joi, 12 mai 2011

Politics of War - Ep. 4

Germany Seeks Strong Diplomatic Relations with Neighbors and a Bright Future


Though Germany is a relatively new nation in comparison to others around it, we are a proud and powerful people. With a strong but gentle hand, the Kaiser will guide the German people to greatness and properity. With new leaders and nations emerging throughout Europe this very moment, it is important for us to establish strong diplomatic relations with our neighbors and other nations in Europe. Germany will be a powerful economic force in trade, and a strong and deadly ally in times of war.

The first nation we have established relations with are the North African people. Germany stands for their independance, and an embassy to serve their ambassadors will soon be constructed in Berlin. Though unnamed officials have expressed intrigue in the idea of the alliance proposed by the Russians, no official comment has been made by the Kaiser, and no dialogue between the two nations has occurred.

miercuri, 11 mai 2011

Femeile nu ar trebui sa conduca!!!

A plouat azi dimineata. Ploua de o saptamana sau cam asa ceva. Nu e asa grav dar nu stiu cum se face ca la mine in cartier cand plec de acasa e soare si in centru ploua… taine pe care noi ‘provincialii’ nu le intelegem. Ieri m-a prins ploaia langa un frigider de inghetata. Era singurul loc unde ma puteam adaposti. Am stat cu bale la gura 45 de minute. O vesnicie! Imi merit pedeapsa cu varf si indesat.

Important e ca sunt mandra posesoare al unui autoturism. Sau mai bine el ma poseda pe mine. De ce nu-l folosesc? Pentru ca iar i s-a intamplat ceva. Pentru a nu stiu cata oara anul asta. Nici macar sa explic ce are nu stiu. Am incercat totusi sa o fac. Am sunat la un service. M-a intrebat ala care-i problema. Am balbait eu ceva. Concluzia a fost: “ Aduceti masina. Ma plimb putin cu ea si va spun de la ce este. Am o banuiala”. Am vrut sa intreb cat ma costa dar deja inchisese. Prin urmare e tot in fata blocului… nu e prima data cand o patesc: am ramas pe autostrada dupa ce o luasem din service; scotea fum, aburi la unirii; mi-a fiert apa pe drumul spre aeroport; mi-am spart toba la iesirea de pe bac si povestea continua. Chestia cea mai tare e ca de cate ori merg la service, primesc acelasi raspuns: ‘Domnisoara nu ati stricat-o dvs. Masinile se strica.’ Sincer? Eu nu am auzit niciun barbat sa se planga ca i s-a stricat masina. Astora ori nu li-se strica ori nu spun din orgoliu. Prin urmare nu inteleg… masinile astea nu au manual de instructiuni? Sau macar sa le primim, noi femeile, cu mentiunea…. sunteti mandra posesoare a unei masini, va anuntam ca nu va veti mai cumpara nimic, garderoba dvs va fi aceasi pentru urmatorii cinci ani si veti slabi 10 kg. Macar sa stim in ce ne bagam. Daca stiam de la inceput…. Da’ na am crezut ca daca stii sa schimbi o roata, sa verifici lichidele (ulei, servo, antigel) masina merge! Nu-i adevarat. Trebuie sa fii pregatita psihic sau sa ai tot timpul in masina un barbat. (Am observat ca asa nu am probleme niciodata.)

Sper sa nu ploua diseara. Nu am umbrela. Eu nu mai rezist iar langa frigiderul cu inghetata! Azi imi cumpar trei. Masina oricum se strica. Banii de bacsis ii dau pe inghetata!

Politics of War - Ep. 3

Varagian Guard new Recruits

Constantinopole, Byzantium

Every year, the Varagian Guard celebrates the day of the new recruits. This year the celebrations will be of special significance as this new line of recruits are for the first time drafted, with legal aprovement from the Scandinavian nations.

The Varagian Guard has changed over the years, ever since 911, for over 1000 years they have protected and died at the side of the Emperor's of Byzantium. We must remember always the great battle of Mazinkert, or the Great Battle of Constantinopolis 1453, and all other battles were the Guard was present. They are the most enduring Imperial Guards of all The Roman Empires.
Glory to the Varagian Guard!

Bizantine policy and etiquette

Nova Academia, Byzantium

This is written by me Claudio Francicso Moreno Delapietra scribe and councilor to the Light of the World the heir of Julius Caesar; Alexandros I of the Anghelos Dinasty.

My family is Italian from the city of Genoa, but we have called the Jewel of the East, the mighty city of Constantinopolis our home for many hundreds of years.
This is a small essay to be read by the leaders of the world, so that in their communications with the „Ivory Throne” will know the correct etiquette and customs.

Alexandros the 42th emperor of the Angelos line is 29 years old, he was born a Profirogenetos (born in purple) as his father and his father’s before him. He is the head of the church and the head of the empire. Byzantium has no government apart from the word of the Emperor.

In 32 years in service under Ioan X Angelos and under Alexandros, I have never seen the Emperor send a personal letter to any heads of state or to met a head of state, the Emperor has servants that talk to the others in his name, his life is a ritual, since early morning when the servants of the Sacred Palace sing "The sun has awaken" reffering to the Emperor.

Any of you that will have the chance to see him will be trained in the ways of the Sacred Palace. Understand this is not because he is vane or arrogant, but because the institution of the Caesars is older than all your houses put together, the Byzantines take great pride in the fact that they are the oldest civilization in Europe, and that during the Dark Ages when the west was only about sickness and war, poetry and art called them home.

The Empire

The tide changed in 1453; right as Basileos Profirogenetos Constantine XII was about to be the last Emperor, of an Empire that for 1000 years since the IV century stood alone from his brother in the west, salvation came.

The history books tell of mighty ships appearing in the Golden Horn, the Genovese ships bringing food and soldiers came, in the great naval battle of May 1453 admiral Balthogu of the Ottoman Empire lost his fleet and the tide turned. Only days later Belisarius of the Bucellarii, smashed in Nicaea Hassan’s army.

The day of our rebirth came with Theodosius of the Angelos family. In the night of 29 May 1453 came the night attack on the Ottoman camp, demoralized by the defeat in the Golden Horn and the sinking of their fleet the Turks ware defeated. Three days later Mehmet II faced again the byzantine army led by Belisarius in a pitched battle.

The defeat was an utter disaster.

With Adrianopolis in Christian hands and rebellions in Bulgaria, Walachia, Moldavia, Serbia and Albania, the Ottomans had to retreat to Anatolia with great loss of life.

100 years we have waged war under the Angelos Dynasty to push them out of our lands. In the end the Empire of Eastern Rome was victorious.

We now are older than any of the nations in Europe and only China is a nation older than us, 1900 years have passed and the line of Rome is unbroken, we have been here since before any other nation was even imagined, and we will be here long after all will be forgotten.

marți, 10 mai 2011

Discutii pe treptele Facultatii de Drept

Ieri am avut examen. M-am dus. Am ajuns devreme. Cu o ora mai devreme. M-am mirat si eu. De obicei intrazii si ma rog de profesor sa ma primeasca. M-am invartit ce m-am invartit. Nimic interesant. Am sudat 5 tigari. Timpul trecea al dracu’ de greu. Ma asez pe scari. Daca tot mai e de asteptat macar sa stau jos. Ma uit in jur, n-o fi nimeni? Hai macar sa trag cu urechea la ce vorbesc altii. Opresc muzica, scot castile. Mai sus pe trepte 2 tipe. Tinere. Nu mai mult de 20 de ani, desi … Amandoua fumau. Asa cum fumeaza astia care de fapt strica tigarile. ( am o problema cu fumatorii care se fac ca sunt fumatori). Hai sa vad…

“Nu stiu cum, am vorbit si cu tata. E aglomerat. Daca plec cu masina fac mult. Mult. Si nici nu gasesc loc de parcare. Vroiam sa ii cer voie profului sa imi dea voie sa plec cu 10 minute mai devreme.”

“Da ai putea. Da cati ani face?”

“Bunicul? 90!”

“Woau! Pai inseamna ca l-a prins pe Rege.”

“Da “( a mai zis ceva da n-am inteles, banuiesc ca ceva despre ce facea bunicul pe vremea aia)

“Eu am fost intotdeauna regalista.”
(niciun raspuns de la cealalta, trage in continuare din tigara, plictisita de subiect)

“Tu iti dai seama daca ar fi fost Regele?! Eram departe acum… “

(cealalta se uita la ceas, probabil gandindu-se la aglomeratie)

“Oare daca as face eu o revolutie, lovitura de stat vine cineva? Revolutie ii omor pe toti!’

Se uita absent.

“Hai ma ca eu plec. Vii?”

“Mai stau. Poate cand intru in scoala intru intr-un univers paralel si pac… ma trezesc pe vremea regelui.” (rade, isi mai aprinde o tigara)

Ma uit la ceas. Mai am putin timp. Eram curioasa. Mai ascult. Aflu ca erau in anul 2. Ma minunez. Plec cu un zambet dulce amar. Nu credeam ca mai stie cineva ca azi pe 10 mai e ziua regalitatii.

Traiasca Regele!