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vineri, 20 martie 2009


Nedelcu cum votezi la Congres? Tăriceanu sau Antonescu? Cum? Nu eşti la Congres?
Aşa un tânăr plin de elan ca tine... E o pierdere pentru patrie. Atât de multe speranţe pierdute, ce păcat. Gândeşte-te la ceilalţi tineri care aşteaptă semnalul tau.

3 comentarii:

  1. Actiunea umana tine de stimuli si de reactia la stimuli. Sa facem un studiu de caz cu numitul Marius Nedelcu (MN).

    Stimul 1: PNL e la putere.
    Reactia la stimul 1: MN se inscrie in PNL.

    Stimul 2: PNL pierde puterea, si astfel intaietatea in lupta pentru resurse:
    Reactiunea la Stimul 2: MN cauta sa se departeze de PNL.

    Sa ne intrebam unde se afla numitul MN daca nu la congresul PNL?

  2. al dreacu si nici ala bara bara cu tariceanu si sov numai e la balta
    oare sa nu "se fi scos" numitul subiect MN????
    ce -ti e si cu lupta asta politica diomne'
    da daca iese NPCR la putere oare susnumitul se inscrie si acolo sau are adanci convingeri liberale intiparite in strafundurile constiintei lui ?

  3. Quiz time!

    As we are his friends i think its time to help him to find his identity. Therefore I dare him to answer the following questions (not here, just for his peace of mind).

    1.Do you beleive that the peole should:
    a) Allow eveyone to pool their resources
    b) Allow one man to help make descisions
    c) Allow the government to have some controll over desicions
    d) Allow the people to have more power

    2.Who is your hero
    a) Karl Marx
    b) Abraham Lincoln
    c) Andrew Jackson
    d) Franklin D. Roosevelt

    3.What is your position on gay rights?
    a) Kill all gays
    b) Sure let them have every right a straght person has
    c) Not kill them just don't let them do much
    d) Let them live but not marrage rights

    4.Best way to solve an economic crisis
    a) Lower taxes and let it solve itself
    b) Start building up the military and other industries
    c) Spend until it is fixed
    d) Set up a system that doesn't spend a lot but creates jobs

    5.What is better
    a) Allowing the right people to vote and make many decisions
    b) nationalism and the expansion of patriotism throught the nation
    c) Trust in the state it will help all things
    d) Allowing free choice and people to vote things


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