joi, 17 decembrie 2009
marți, 15 decembrie 2009
Perspective Optimiste
Am trecut printr-un sistem comunist, toti sunt comunisti si totusi nimeni nu este comunist;
Am avut ”Securitate” dar nu avem securisti (sau fosti securisti);
Am avut ”Securitate” dar nu avem securisti (sau fosti securisti);
S-a facut politie politica, dar nimeni nu a facut politie politica;
Avem revolutionari, insa nu avem o revolutie;
Avem coruptie, dar nici un corupt;
Toata lumea da mita, dar nimeni nu primeste;
Iar ieri seara am aflat ca in Romania alegerile nu sunt fraudate!
Toata lumea da mita, dar nimeni nu primeste;
Iar ieri seara am aflat ca in Romania alegerile nu sunt fraudate!
luni, 14 decembrie 2009
Double envelopment
I have spent most of my time in the last month reading about medieval warfare: battles, tactics, weapons & armor, life in military camps...
As a big fan of Hannibal Barca and some previous background in ancient and medieval warfare I expected to read about boring fights that lack innovative tactical movements, especially when referring to medieval times.
But then came: Khalid ibn al-Walid (also known as ”the sword of Allah”).
Basically the ”double envelopment movement” is considered to be a military maneuver close to perfection. The flanks of the opponent are attacked in the same time after the opponent advances towards the centre, while the army employing such tactics moves towards the flanks in oder to surround the enemy.
This tactic was brilliantly used by Hannibal at the battle of Cannae in 216 Bc, moreover it is considered by historians that Hannibal was the first ever to employ such tactics.
The ”Battle of Walaja” (633 AD) is a show of great tactical skills employed by Khalid ibn al-Walid, which makes him to be the second in history that successfully uses the ”double envelopment movement” against a numerical superior army.
His unique style for that times is even more important as the medieval period warfare is not characterized by ”smart” moves made by generals, but rather skirmishes between the confronting armies.
I guess Khalid ibn al-Walid deserves more study as he is considered to have fought over 100 battles most of them against more numerically superior forces of Byzantine or Persian Empire and never lost one. Also one of his most important victory, the battle of Yarmouk (636 AD), is considered to be one of the most decisive battles in human history. Had its outcome be different the modern world of been unrecognizable.
As a big fan of Hannibal Barca and some previous background in ancient and medieval warfare I expected to read about boring fights that lack innovative tactical movements, especially when referring to medieval times.
But then came: Khalid ibn al-Walid (also known as ”the sword of Allah”).
Basically the ”double envelopment movement” is considered to be a military maneuver close to perfection. The flanks of the opponent are attacked in the same time after the opponent advances towards the centre, while the army employing such tactics moves towards the flanks in oder to surround the enemy.
This tactic was brilliantly used by Hannibal at the battle of Cannae in 216 Bc, moreover it is considered by historians that Hannibal was the first ever to employ such tactics.
The ”Battle of Walaja” (633 AD) is a show of great tactical skills employed by Khalid ibn al-Walid, which makes him to be the second in history that successfully uses the ”double envelopment movement” against a numerical superior army.
His unique style for that times is even more important as the medieval period warfare is not characterized by ”smart” moves made by generals, but rather skirmishes between the confronting armies.
I guess Khalid ibn al-Walid deserves more study as he is considered to have fought over 100 battles most of them against more numerically superior forces of Byzantine or Persian Empire and never lost one. Also one of his most important victory, the battle of Yarmouk (636 AD), is considered to be one of the most decisive battles in human history. Had its outcome be different the modern world of been unrecognizable.
Actiune caritabila
Asa cum unora v-am spus deja, Andreea (adica iu bi toi) si cu mine, ne gandeam ca de Craciun sa face niste copii putin mai fericiti.
Ne gandeam sa strangem niste b ani cu care sa cumparam niste dulciuri si sa le oferim unor copii de la un orfelinat.
Asadar, asa cum unii deja au fost deacord, am hotarat sa strangem intr-un cont niste bani si pentru ca nu are rost sa deschidem un cont special pentru asta, contul va fi al meu adica urmatorul:
RO25 RNCB 0318 0583 0054 0002
Deschis pe numele meu la sucursala:
BCR – Pantelimon
Daca aveti nevoie de alte date, va rog scrieti la comentarii.
*Doritorilor, le pot trimite un extras de cont la sfarsitul saptamanii.
Ma gandeam ca saptamana asta sa finalizam partea cu stransul de fonduri, iar la sfarsitul saptamanii, eu cu Ilhan (parca asa zicea) sa mergem sa cumparam.
Daca gasiti interesanta initiativa noastra, va invitam sa participati si eventual sa o promovati printre apropiati.
Puteti veni cu idei de cadouri si/sau locuri unde sa le impartim.
Daca am omis pe cineva, dati voi un forword.
Bine, bafta, pa pa pa !
PS : in functie de suma care se va strange, pot promite ca nu fug cu banii. Repet, in functie de suma care se va strange. (glumaaa !)
Paul Mihalache
Asa cum unora v-am spus deja, Andreea (adica iu bi toi) si cu mine, ne gandeam ca de Craciun sa face niste copii putin mai fericiti.
Ne gandeam sa strangem niste b ani cu care sa cumparam niste dulciuri si sa le oferim unor copii de la un orfelinat.
Asadar, asa cum unii deja au fost deacord, am hotarat sa strangem intr-un cont niste bani si pentru ca nu are rost sa deschidem un cont special pentru asta, contul va fi al meu adica urmatorul:
RO25 RNCB 0318 0583 0054 0002
Deschis pe numele meu la sucursala:
BCR – Pantelimon
Daca aveti nevoie de alte date, va rog scrieti la comentarii.
*Doritorilor, le pot trimite un extras de cont la sfarsitul saptamanii.
Ma gandeam ca saptamana asta sa finalizam partea cu stransul de fonduri, iar la sfarsitul saptamanii, eu cu Ilhan (parca asa zicea) sa mergem sa cumparam.
Daca gasiti interesanta initiativa noastra, va invitam sa participati si eventual sa o promovati printre apropiati.
Puteti veni cu idei de cadouri si/sau locuri unde sa le impartim.
Daca am omis pe cineva, dati voi un forword.
Bine, bafta, pa pa pa !
PS : in functie de suma care se va strange, pot promite ca nu fug cu banii. Repet, in functie de suma care se va strange. (glumaaa !)
Paul Mihalache
sâmbătă, 12 decembrie 2009
vineri, 11 decembrie 2009
Teme False
Nici dreapta si nici stanga nu inseamna combaterea saraciei cu spaga pentru un vot, tot asa nici dreapta nici stanga nu inseamna acceptarea unor astfel de practici.
Felul in care se discuta votul din ultimele zile, si anume ca votul unui cetatean din Bucuresti este mai mult sau mai putin important decat al unuia din sate, sau ca votul unuia din America e mai mult sau mai putin important decat al unuia din tara, consider ca reprezinta o tema falsa care distrage atentia de la adevarata problema:
Furtul, mita, implicarea structurilor de stat in alegeri nu reprezinta o chestiune de ideologie, ci una de legalitate.
marți, 8 decembrie 2009
Dragă Crin,
Dragă Crin,
Nu mă trăda! Eu te voi aştepta încă cinci ani. Nu-l lăsa pe Tări să facă ce-l taie capul. Rămâi unde eşti.
Aseară mi-a fost frig, deşi în casă era cald. Presimt că nu o să-mi fie bine deloc în perioada următoare. Am prieteni care l-au votat pe Băse. Mi-e frică. Cum o să mai ies cu ei la cafea?
Mă întrebam alaltăieri dacă Băse are în ochi un emiţător cu care spală creierele oamenilor. Se uită la tine vzzzzzz vzzzzzz, brain wash direct, comunistilor, geoana e un comunist, basescu gandeste, basescu are atitudine, geoana e slab, geoana e fraier.
Crin, zi-mi tu ce să fac!
luni, 7 decembrie 2009
Back from Ireland
Small buildings, usually 2-3 floors high and made of bricks. Small gardens in front of each house. Old english houses, and the new ones follow the pattern.
People on the sidewalks, byciles, some motorbykes and a couple of cars on the streets. No traffic jam.
Cold but no wind. Temperature close to 0 Celsius degrees, but many girls were wearing t-shitrs and short dresses.
Pubs … Temple Bar … pints of Hearp (irish local beer) and Guinness, shoots of wiskey (some local brand) … no smocking. I usually smoke about a pack of cigarettes while drinking, this time I only smoked 2 cigarettes, as the only place i could smoke was outside the pub.
Museums were closing at 5 pm (4pm last visit) and as i was finishing my ”things” after 5pm could only see them from outside, at least in the last day i managed to see Dublinia at noon (only for 30 min though as i had to hurry to catch the plane).
Visit at the Guinness factory in Dublin, drank a couple of pints at the bar there. Just a note: the bar was at the 7th floor so was the biggest building in a large area, the walls of the bar were made of glass so there was a great view of the city.
Speechless …
Ireland is not one of the big economic powers, actually is usually overlooked and in the shade of their well-known neighbour – England, but nevertheless it appears they managed to build up a nice country. No spectacular things, no ultra – mega structure/wonder, but great strong points overall.
I came back from Ireland on Friday and today, after 3 days, I am still dreaming of Ireland and I guess I will still have this feeling for a lot of time from now on.
So back from Ireland ... Back to romanian shit now!
People on the sidewalks, byciles, some motorbykes and a couple of cars on the streets. No traffic jam.
Cold but no wind. Temperature close to 0 Celsius degrees, but many girls were wearing t-shitrs and short dresses.
Pubs … Temple Bar … pints of Hearp (irish local beer) and Guinness, shoots of wiskey (some local brand) … no smocking. I usually smoke about a pack of cigarettes while drinking, this time I only smoked 2 cigarettes, as the only place i could smoke was outside the pub.
Museums were closing at 5 pm (4pm last visit) and as i was finishing my ”things” after 5pm could only see them from outside, at least in the last day i managed to see Dublinia at noon (only for 30 min though as i had to hurry to catch the plane).
Visit at the Guinness factory in Dublin, drank a couple of pints at the bar there. Just a note: the bar was at the 7th floor so was the biggest building in a large area, the walls of the bar were made of glass so there was a great view of the city.
Speechless …
Ireland is not one of the big economic powers, actually is usually overlooked and in the shade of their well-known neighbour – England, but nevertheless it appears they managed to build up a nice country. No spectacular things, no ultra – mega structure/wonder, but great strong points overall.
I came back from Ireland on Friday and today, after 3 days, I am still dreaming of Ireland and I guess I will still have this feeling for a lot of time from now on.
So back from Ireland ... Back to romanian shit now!
miercuri, 25 noiembrie 2009
Uroborus - Sneak preview (NEW MATERIAL)
Uroborus - Little sneak preview of the new Uroborus material
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica
Uroborus - Little sneak preview of the new material
marți, 24 noiembrie 2009
joi, 19 noiembrie 2009
miercuri, 18 noiembrie 2009
marți, 10 noiembrie 2009
Economic and Social
The gold and silver ore exploitation in the area is due to about 17 years. As there is no plan to cover the period after, this means that after the time will pass unemployment will still be a problem in the area. So, the economic solution doesn’t cover a long period of time and only offers a short time proposition. Moreover the individuals will face with a destroyed environment, and without the possibility to gain economical resources from tourism. The unemployment problem is amplified by the presence in the area of a population from other places and settled during the business.
An important aspect is the compatibility of the project with the European legislation. A study made by technocrats for the E.U. (P. Fischer and A. Lengauer – from the Institute of European Law in Vienna) concludes that the technology proposed in the Rosia Montana is not according to the Impact Evaluation over the Environment Rule (85/337/EEC, and the rule 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament), and the method of separating gold with cyanide is against the rule 80/68/EEC (17 December 1979) which refers to the protection of water. Also the resettlement measures that the government should employ against the individuals that live in the extended project area and refuse to sell the property, would break Article 8 of the European Convention of the Human Rights which already is available in Romania.
Another issue is linked to the percentages held in the business. At the moment Gabriel Resources Ltd. holds 80% of the shares and the Romanian state 20%. But according to the same European Convention the Romanian state should have 85% of the shares to respect the “public interest and economic profit of the country”.
Regarding the use of toxic substances the project does not respect the Berlin Convention (10 October 2001) regarding banning of the use of cyanide in mining exploitation on the territory of the European Union.
Technological Risks
The technology used is based on extracting the gold ore from the rock using sodium cyanide. This process is similar with the one in used in the mines from Baia Mare, which made the object of a process due to pollution. Moreover, worldwide after 1990 there were about 30 accidents in mines that used similar methods, but in less populated areas. Most of the incidents were due to deficiencies in the protecting walls (72%), about 14% of the situations were because leaks of the pipes, and 13% were due to accidents of transportation. Besides the cyanide, a threat is presented by the waste generated during the technological process which can severely pollute the surroundings and can not be neutralised. And neither the products used to neutralise the cyanide are not safe, as in large quantities, though less toxic still represent a problem.
Archaeological and tourist’s issues
The surface exploitation (in an open quarry) determines significant degradation of the land as it creates huge craters and amounts of sterile materials. This way the landscape is affected cancelling its tourist potential, eliminating its value over time of the area. The controlled explosions used (five times a week) might create vibrations which negatively affect the neighbouring areas, determining a possible collapse of buildings or archeologically researched galleries. The archaeological site, according to the partial investigations is considered to be unique in Europe, and its existence can be endangered by the mining excavations.
Economic and Social
The gold and silver ore exploitation in the area is due to about 17 years. As there is no plan to cover the period after, this means that after the time will pass unemployment will still be a problem in the area. So, the economic solution doesn’t cover a long period of time and only offers a short time proposition. Moreover the individuals will face with a destroyed environment, and without the possibility to gain economical resources from tourism. The unemployment problem is amplified by the presence in the area of a population from other places and settled during the business.
An important aspect is the compatibility of the project with the European legislation. A study made by technocrats for the E.U. (P. Fischer and A. Lengauer – from the Institute of European Law in Vienna) concludes that the technology proposed in the Rosia Montana is not according to the Impact Evaluation over the Environment Rule (85/337/EEC, and the rule 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament), and the method of separating gold with cyanide is against the rule 80/68/EEC (17 December 1979) which refers to the protection of water. Also the resettlement measures that the government should employ against the individuals that live in the extended project area and refuse to sell the property, would break Article 8 of the European Convention of the Human Rights which already is available in Romania.
Another issue is linked to the percentages held in the business. At the moment Gabriel Resources Ltd. holds 80% of the shares and the Romanian state 20%. But according to the same European Convention the Romanian state should have 85% of the shares to respect the “public interest and economic profit of the country”.
Regarding the use of toxic substances the project does not respect the Berlin Convention (10 October 2001) regarding banning of the use of cyanide in mining exploitation on the territory of the European Union.
Technological Risks
The technology used is based on extracting the gold ore from the rock using sodium cyanide. This process is similar with the one in used in the mines from Baia Mare, which made the object of a process due to pollution. Moreover, worldwide after 1990 there were about 30 accidents in mines that used similar methods, but in less populated areas. Most of the incidents were due to deficiencies in the protecting walls (72%), about 14% of the situations were because leaks of the pipes, and 13% were due to accidents of transportation. Besides the cyanide, a threat is presented by the waste generated during the technological process which can severely pollute the surroundings and can not be neutralised. And neither the products used to neutralise the cyanide are not safe, as in large quantities, though less toxic still represent a problem.
Archaeological and tourist’s issues
The surface exploitation (in an open quarry) determines significant degradation of the land as it creates huge craters and amounts of sterile materials. This way the landscape is affected cancelling its tourist potential, eliminating its value over time of the area. The controlled explosions used (five times a week) might create vibrations which negatively affect the neighbouring areas, determining a possible collapse of buildings or archeologically researched galleries. The archaeological site, according to the partial investigations is considered to be unique in Europe, and its existence can be endangered by the mining excavations.
vineri, 6 noiembrie 2009
joi, 5 noiembrie 2009
miercuri, 4 noiembrie 2009
Briefly speaking the gains of the national economy are:
- The industrial valuation of a mineral resource located in an underdeveloped economic area;
- 250-500 new direct jobs (including foreign employees) as well as several new indirect job;
- Positive outsourcing: modernization of the transport infrastructure, social objectives, various additional activities;
- 2% royalties of the entire production paid to the state, that is USD 20 million;
- The land concession estimated to be USD 3 million;
- Over the entire exploitation period, the consolidated budget of the state receives about USD 300 million while the value of the deposit known so far is estimated to be over USD 3 billion.
According to different opinions I would point to different technical and economical aspects. The gold ore in the deposit, (1.4 g/t of ore, is very close to the profitability of the gold mining by the present technology that is 1.2 g/t of ore). Due to this, the Rosia Montana mine is permanently sensitive to the price fluctuation in the gold market, and it can be closed temporarily or permanently in case of unfavorable. Also after two successive updating of the feasibility studies (253 USD million the initial value and then 437 USD million the updated value) the cost of capital actually increased with about 180 USD million. This thing associated with other financial and ecological aspects caused in the last month a lower quotation at the Toronto Stock Exchange from 3.20 to 2.70 USD/share. Moreover Gabriel Resources applied for 100 USD million loan at the International Financial Corporation, but in October 2002 the same institution informed the company that they are not ready to finance the project due to the severe social and environmental problems that the project might cause. At present, the shares of the main shares holder in the Rosia Montana Gold Corporation are listed at the Toronto Stock Exchange.
The economic viability of the Project was researched in a study requested by the monitoring institutions. According to this, at an internal rate of return of 40 percent (and 44 percent by the improved study), the profitability limit is a little lower than a stock exchange price of 300 USD/gold ounce. The study also points to about 500 new jobs provided that in a excavation site that would reallocate at least 30 million tons of rock to be processed every year. According to the improved version of the study (27 February 2003) the processed rock production would be about 13 million tons meaning less possible jobs (250-300 people). As many foreign specialists would be included, the total number of jobs for the locals might be around 200 individuals.
The improvements in the Project have brought rise in the operation cost and capital expenses. On the stock exchange, it has caused that the investment become less attractive and more unlikely to be carried on. Among the reasons that have significantly influenced the quotation, there are the next ones:
a) the sodium cyanide management, is about a total amount of 250.000 tons. Moreover there is no technology or plants to remove the heavy metals (arsenium, uranium, nickel, and cadmium) from the waste sent to the settlement tank. The transportation by trucks of 250.000 tons of cyanide on the Romanian public roads is a hazardous one. In order to reduce the danger it is necessary to monitor each transport, to set clear rules. The neutralization of the residual cyanide through other means would raise the operation costs amount to 3 million USD/year, and the capital expenses would be increased by USD 9.1 million.
b) For the settlement lake, the following technological solutions should by financially evaluated:
- The protection of the settlement pond bottom with two plastic layers. The capital expenses increase by USD 8 to 10 million.
- The monitoring of the pool water infiltration into the ground (cyanide and heavy metal pollution). Although not included in the general project, such monitorisation that requires wells, channels, measurement and control instruments, etc. should receive financial support for the entire life of the lake.
c) The evaluation of the high risk cases.
The last version of the feasibility study seems not to deal with the high risk cases and risk management:
- Work accidents that, even small, may cause land sliding. The land sliding may cause higher water levels in the settlement pond and, under certain conditions; the cyanide containing water may flow into the surface waters in the area, that is an ecological catastrophe.
- The strong and frequent explosions in the area required by the current quarry operations. They may destabilize the ground weakened already by many unclosed galleries.
d) The cost of closing the mining operations:
According to the feasibility study, the above costs are estimated to be 19.53 million USD. For a similar mine in the USA, the cost was about USD 60 million. If such an underestimate is not clarified by the investment beneficiary, then it must be covered by the state budget. If the exploitation is to be closed before the stipulated term of 16.4 years due to the company’s possible bankruptcy, then the provisions set for the area rehabilitation should be used; but no mention of them is made in the feasibility study.
e) The waste stockpiles:
The feasibility study does not include comments on the acid-base balance of the waste material. Moreover, the waste stockpiles are not covered. Therefore, water and oxygen may easily penetrate the waste material and cause acid water and pollution that may alter the surface and underground waters.
- The industrial valuation of a mineral resource located in an underdeveloped economic area;
- 250-500 new direct jobs (including foreign employees) as well as several new indirect job;
- Positive outsourcing: modernization of the transport infrastructure, social objectives, various additional activities;
- 2% royalties of the entire production paid to the state, that is USD 20 million;
- The land concession estimated to be USD 3 million;
- Over the entire exploitation period, the consolidated budget of the state receives about USD 300 million while the value of the deposit known so far is estimated to be over USD 3 billion.
According to different opinions I would point to different technical and economical aspects. The gold ore in the deposit, (1.4 g/t of ore, is very close to the profitability of the gold mining by the present technology that is 1.2 g/t of ore). Due to this, the Rosia Montana mine is permanently sensitive to the price fluctuation in the gold market, and it can be closed temporarily or permanently in case of unfavorable. Also after two successive updating of the feasibility studies (253 USD million the initial value and then 437 USD million the updated value) the cost of capital actually increased with about 180 USD million. This thing associated with other financial and ecological aspects caused in the last month a lower quotation at the Toronto Stock Exchange from 3.20 to 2.70 USD/share. Moreover Gabriel Resources applied for 100 USD million loan at the International Financial Corporation, but in October 2002 the same institution informed the company that they are not ready to finance the project due to the severe social and environmental problems that the project might cause. At present, the shares of the main shares holder in the Rosia Montana Gold Corporation are listed at the Toronto Stock Exchange.
The economic viability of the Project was researched in a study requested by the monitoring institutions. According to this, at an internal rate of return of 40 percent (and 44 percent by the improved study), the profitability limit is a little lower than a stock exchange price of 300 USD/gold ounce. The study also points to about 500 new jobs provided that in a excavation site that would reallocate at least 30 million tons of rock to be processed every year. According to the improved version of the study (27 February 2003) the processed rock production would be about 13 million tons meaning less possible jobs (250-300 people). As many foreign specialists would be included, the total number of jobs for the locals might be around 200 individuals.
The improvements in the Project have brought rise in the operation cost and capital expenses. On the stock exchange, it has caused that the investment become less attractive and more unlikely to be carried on. Among the reasons that have significantly influenced the quotation, there are the next ones:
a) the sodium cyanide management, is about a total amount of 250.000 tons. Moreover there is no technology or plants to remove the heavy metals (arsenium, uranium, nickel, and cadmium) from the waste sent to the settlement tank. The transportation by trucks of 250.000 tons of cyanide on the Romanian public roads is a hazardous one. In order to reduce the danger it is necessary to monitor each transport, to set clear rules. The neutralization of the residual cyanide through other means would raise the operation costs amount to 3 million USD/year, and the capital expenses would be increased by USD 9.1 million.
b) For the settlement lake, the following technological solutions should by financially evaluated:
- The protection of the settlement pond bottom with two plastic layers. The capital expenses increase by USD 8 to 10 million.
- The monitoring of the pool water infiltration into the ground (cyanide and heavy metal pollution). Although not included in the general project, such monitorisation that requires wells, channels, measurement and control instruments, etc. should receive financial support for the entire life of the lake.
c) The evaluation of the high risk cases.
The last version of the feasibility study seems not to deal with the high risk cases and risk management:
- Work accidents that, even small, may cause land sliding. The land sliding may cause higher water levels in the settlement pond and, under certain conditions; the cyanide containing water may flow into the surface waters in the area, that is an ecological catastrophe.
- The strong and frequent explosions in the area required by the current quarry operations. They may destabilize the ground weakened already by many unclosed galleries.
d) The cost of closing the mining operations:
According to the feasibility study, the above costs are estimated to be 19.53 million USD. For a similar mine in the USA, the cost was about USD 60 million. If such an underestimate is not clarified by the investment beneficiary, then it must be covered by the state budget. If the exploitation is to be closed before the stipulated term of 16.4 years due to the company’s possible bankruptcy, then the provisions set for the area rehabilitation should be used; but no mention of them is made in the feasibility study.
e) The waste stockpiles:
The feasibility study does not include comments on the acid-base balance of the waste material. Moreover, the waste stockpiles are not covered. Therefore, water and oxygen may easily penetrate the waste material and cause acid water and pollution that may alter the surface and underground waters.
marți, 3 noiembrie 2009
vineri, 30 octombrie 2009
Turn Down That Racket, Say Morality Police
What would you choose:
The Issue
A group of concerned parishioners and soccer moms has petitioned the government of TheAnti to outlaw heavy metal music, which they fear is a bad influence on youngsters.
A group of concerned parishioners and soccer moms has petitioned the government of TheAnti to outlaw heavy metal music, which they fear is a bad influence on youngsters.
The Debate
1) "Heavy metal music is a plague in our good nation and its God-fearing people!" argues local priest and easy listening advocate Charles Falopian. "Just the other day, I heard a song by some group called Hell's Irate Puppies with a sinful quantity of bass and drum... oh, and there were probably some lines about killing parents, too, I'd imagine! It's vital that we ban this music, and remove this terrible influence from our children's lives! Think of the children!"
2) "Whoa, man... what's with the, like, censorship and stuff?" asks Pete Dodinas, scruffy-haired bassist of the popular speed metal band The Destroyinators. "You can't, like, censor the music, man. That's how we express ourselves! Every bass beat is me baring my soul! Every howl is me complainin' about how my parents tried to kick me out of their basement! Besides, what's wrong with Satan? He's just misunderstood anyway. I say promote the arts, man!"
3) "You know, this heavy metal issue has me thinking," says Peggy Wu, your brother, over your weekly game of cribbage. "If these long-haired freaks want to put out their devil-worshipping metal, why don't we let them? Of course, we'll put a little subliminal propoganda into every song... after all, don't these guys owe their freedom of expression to you?"
joi, 29 octombrie 2009
Zona afectata se numeste Albunus Maior si este localizata intre Abrud si Campeni. Conform Universitatii ”Le Mirail” din Toulouse in aceasta zona inca din Epoca Bronzului a fost un important site minier care a avut o importanta mare in perioada Romana si a carui activitate a continuat pana in Evul Mediu.
Din punct de vedere juridic aria in cauza este protejata printr-o ordonanta de unrgenta din anul 2000, iar apoi printr-un proiect numit ”Albunus Maior” al Ministerului Culturii.
In perioada in care s-au facut cercetari arheologice in zona, au fost descoperite locase de cult, cladiri specifice care demonstrau ca acele locuri erau locuite de o populatie a carei ocupatie principala o reprezenta mineritul. Cercetarile au fost facute de specialisti ai Universitatii ”Le Mirail” din Touluse. Acestia considera ca descoperirile nu fac decat sa marcheze un inceput, iar site-ul trebuie protejat.
Conform lui Al. Suceveanu (institutul arheologic ”V. Parvan”), site-ul arheologic se intinde pe 100 de hectare. Problema o reprezinta faptul ca terenul pe care se va intinde activitatea de extragere a aurului se intinde si asupra celor 100 de hectare ale site-ului arheologic.
In acest moment cea mai importanta zona a site-ului poarte numele de ”Galeriile” si au o importanta mondiala. Aici au fost descoperite vase de ceara datand din secolul XVIII si care necesita o atentie speciala. Aceste galerii sunt in pericol de prabusire chiar si in conditii normale, iar in contextul exploziilor ”controlate” necesare in procesul de extragere a aurului se vor prabusi. Echipa universitatii din Toulouse a cercetat aproximativ 70 de kilometri de galerii in Carnic, Cetate, Habad, Orlea, Tarina, Carpeni, iar cele mai importante din Orlea, Calina-Monulesti sunt cele mai expuse in cazul exploziilor.
Va continua ……
The affected zone is named Alburnus Maior, an is placed next to Abrud and Campeni. In the ancient times it was an important mining site which worked from the Bronze Age, according to the „Le Mirail” University from Toulouse. It had an important significance during the Roman Empire and was still in place during the Dark Ages and later. From another point of view the territory is important for the Romanian history as it was the starting place for the riot of 1784 and then an important recruiting place for the uprisings led by Avram Iancu during 1848-1849. From a legal point of view the area was already protected by a emergency ordinance in 2000 (of the Romanian government), and later on in 2001 by a project named „Alburnus Maior” started by the Romanian Culture Ministry. It is worth mentioning that Rosia Montana Gold Corporation invested in the archeological excavation site each year (1 billion in 2000, 31 billion in 2001, 43 billion in 2003), and also offered important amount of money to the resettled individuals. Actually it was this period of massive investments from the excavation company that made possible different archeological discoveries. Different settlements were found, worship places and specific buildings that proved that on that territory was inhabited by a mining orientating population since the Roman Empire. The researches were made by specialists from the French University „Le Mirail” of Toulouse. The same archeologists concluded that the new discoveries only mark a beginning and the site should be protected.
Also according to Al. Suceveanu (from the Archeology Institute „V. Parvan”) the whole archeological site should have about 100 hectares, from which about 10 hectares were selected as a start, out of which only 3 hectares were digged. The problem is that the mining excavation site extension project targets a part of 100 hectares of the archeological site. It is important to say that still the archeologist don’t actually know if the total surface is to be kept later on or not, but only suppose there might be discovered artifacts and so conclude that it has to be protected. Still such a research needs many years.
At the moment the most precious part of the archeological site are „The Galleries” duet o their significance worldwide. Here were discovered wax plates from the XVIII-th century, that demand a special attention. These galleries are in danger of collapse even in normal circumstances, and the (controlled) explosions needed in the process of mining for gold ore can put in danger their stability. The team from the University of Toulouse researched about 70 kilometers of the galleries in Carnic, Cetate, Habad, Orlea, Tarina, Carpeni. The most important are the ones from Orlea, Calina-Monulesti, which is place on special attention and are endangered by the explosions.
miercuri, 28 octombrie 2009
marți, 27 octombrie 2009
Am vazut in ultimul timp la TV o campanie de publicitate in favoarea exploatarii din Rosia Montana in care se promit locuri de munca si protectia mediului.
Astfel, ca mi-am propus sa vad cat de adevarate sunt aceste afirmatii.
Astfel, ca mi-am propus sa vad cat de adevarate sunt aceste afirmatii.
In continuare urmeaza o analiza a proiectului de extragere a aurului in zona Rosia Montana.
Deoarece textul este foarte lung am ales sa il impart in mai multe sectiuni.
Proiectul ce priveste extragerea aurului din zona Rosia Montana este promovat de o societate canadiana (Rosia Montana Gold Corporation) cu participarea statului roman (20%).
Asocierea a inceput inca din 1997. Printre investitori se numara: Deva Gold, Euro Gold Corporation, Canadian Company Gabriel Resources, Rosia Montana Gold Corporation. Procentele detinute de fiecare participant difera, iar scopul activitatilor a fost largit in timp. In acest moment insa, Gabriel Resources Ltd detine majoritatea (80%).
Investitia ce urmeaza a fi facuta este de 400 milioane USD si se intinde pe o perioada de 15-16 ani. Se estimeaza ca ar fi extrase 300 tone de aur si 1600 tone de argint.
Investitorul doreste sa obtina 2120 hectare din satul Rosia Montana si 800 hectare din satul Bucium. Tipul de exploatare este unul ”la suprafata”. Acest lucru presupune stramutarea a aproximativ 2000 de indivizi, 800 locuinte, 8 biserici, 9 cimitire, scoli, site-uri arheologice.
Societatea Academica Romana estimeaza ca in urma exploatarilor vor fi produse peste 200 milioane tone de pamant steril si peste 220 tone de material steril, care ar trebui depozitate [undeva]. De asemenea este nevoie sa fie sapate cratere care sa poata fi umplute cu 180.000 tone de apa in vederea procesului de transformare a aurului.
Conform expertilor principalele probleme ce privesc mediul ar fi:
1) Pe o zona foarte intinsa vor fi taiati copaci lasand impresia de desert. Acest lucru va afecta ciclul natural, va modifica temperaturile, circuitul aerului, al apei, va intensifica eroziunea solului. Va determina modificarea debitului raurilor rezultand inundatii frecvente, caderea terenului. In cele din urma aceste lucruri vor modifica in sens negativ peisajul determinand astfel pierderea valorii turistice.
Mai mult decat atat va fi afectata baza economica a localnicilor (despre acest lucru voi discuta cu alta ocazie).
Modificarea mediului va afecta diferite plante si animale din zona, multe dintre ele fiind in pragul disparitiei.
2) Terenul dizlocat va genera caderi de pamant in zonele din jurul zonei de exploatare. Un astfel de scenariu s-a intamplat in Muntii Calimani. Pentru o astfel de situatie investitorii au propus construirea unui ”zid de protectie”, insa o astfel de masura si-a dovedit deja ineficienta in Muntii Retezat, unde datorita ploilor ”zidul de protectie” a cedat.
3) O alta problema ce tine de mediu este legata de infiltratiile in pamant, in ape subterane.
Procesul de izolare a aurului de restul materialelor este unul foarte lung (dureaza cateva luni) si nu poate fi intrerupt. Acest lucru face ca orice interventie de reparare a diferitelor brese sa devina imposibila.
Procesul de izolare a aurului de restul materialelor este unul foarte lung (dureaza cateva luni) si nu poate fi intrerupt. Acest lucru face ca orice interventie de reparare a diferitelor brese sa devina imposibila.
4) Mediul inconjurator este afectat si in mod indirect. Fara obstacole naturale rata de degradare a terenului se va accelera. De asemenea vantul va purta praful de steril pe o zona mult mai larga decat cea destinata exploatarii. Exploziile ”contolate” care vor fi realizate vor fi facute pe un teren instabil, iar acest lucru va determina caderi de pamant si raspandirea de gaz asupra zonelor care depasesc zona de exploatare si ar trebui sa fie neafectate.
5) Tehnologia folosita este una bazata pe cianura, iar acest lucru este interzis in zonele in care se afla in apropiere populatie, asa cum este cazul in Rosia Montana.
Va continua ……
Va continua ……
The project of gold ore extraction from Rosia Montana is promoted by a Canadian society (Rosia Montana Gold Corporation) with the participation of the Romanian state (20%). The association has begun in 1997, having multiple investors as Deva Gold, Euro Gold Corporation, Canadian Company Gabriel Resources, Rosia Montana Gold Corporation. The percentages held by the societies differed and the scope of activity was permanently enlarged, but now, Gabriel Resources Ltd. has the majority (80%). After some test-extraction Rosia Montana Gold Corporation concluded that in the area there are enough gold and silver ore reserves (1.56 gr. Gold/tone and 7.8 gr. Silver/tone) to make profitable an extension of the extraction site next to the settlements Rosia Montana, Corne and Bucium. The investment would consist of 400 million U.S. Dollars, and should take 15-16 years starting from late 2004, early 2005. I tis estimated to get about 300 tones of gold and 1600 tones of silver. Consequently, the company Rosia Montana Gold Corporation started to buy (offering good prices) land in the area from the locals and the Local Administration. After protests from different individuals the company held conferences (November 2002 and January 2003), where different experts were invited, to explain the technical aspects of the procedure, and the safeguards they took.
The society wanted 2120 hectares from the village Rosia Montana and 800 hectares from the village Bucium. Also the Society Rosia Montana Gold Corporation stated it will undertake a surface exploitation. This involved clearing all the area and move in other places about 2000 individuals, 800 living places (740 houses and 138 apartments), 8 churches, 9 cemeteries, schools, and archeological sites. So, basically about 3.000 hectares should be cleared in order to start the excavations. The Romanian Academic Society, refers to impact studies that consider, there will be produced about 200 million tones of sterile land, which must be deposited and 226 tones of sterile due to the process of technological transformation of the materials in the desired ore. Also there have to be created places to hold 180.000 tone of water for the process or ore transformation, and isolation of poisonous products for neutralization.
Taking into account the activities different experts consider the next main issues as affecting the environment:
· On a large area the trees will be cut down and will create the impression of a desert. This will affect the biochemical cycle modifying the temperatures, the circuit of air, of rain, will intensify the erosion process of the soil. It will also determine a modification of the flow of rivers which will determine frequent floods, land falling and consequently affecting the landscape and the turistic value of the region. Moreover is affected the economical basis of the locals, as they will be no longer able to use the woods or places to feed animals simply because those will not exist anymore. Also the modifications over the environment will affect different species of plants and animals in the area, most of the being at the moment rare or threatened with extinction. So, basically the area will be transformed in a sterile place.
· Due to the type of terrain the dislocated soil generates the danger to fall destroying the surrounding areas which are outside the excavation site destroying anything that encounter in the way. Such a scenario was encountered before in Calimani Mountains at another excavation site. For this situation the mining society gave a solution as they offered to build walls in order to strengthen the soil dump area. But this was replied with the situation in Retezat Mountains when the rain made possible for the river to destroy the protection walls. Even though this kind of scenario will not happen again the rain is still able to transfer the poisoned soil in the surrounding rivers, polluting the water.
· Next to this, another problem linked to polluting the environment, is linked to different leaks, due to infiltration of different chemical waste. The process of isolating gold from the rest of the materials is a long process that may take months and can not be interrupted; also it needs very large areas of land, which can not be acquired without eliminating the impediments. The long time of the process disables the possibility of intervention in case of different errors appears in the isolation walls. Another risk is the degree of poisonous substances in the air. This though the society estimated is under the limits accepted by the European law, still it supposes to persist over a long period of time enabling genetical modifications, heart diseases, or affect the nervous system. Different examples were presented to support the theory: Colorado (1990) and Southern Carolina (1992) in SUA, Papua Noua Guinee (1992), Guyana (1995), Ghana (1999). In Romania a similar situation happened in Baia Mare, on a much smaller area (6-8 hectares), which affected a large area, including parts of Hungary.
· The negative impact over the environment is also due to the indirect effects of the activities, which can affect the biological structures and the circulation of substances and energy. This will determine an increase in the temperatures, a decrease of the rains and an intensification of circulation of air in the area. The air will increase the rate of degradation of the environment in a zone without natural obstacles; also will be able to carry the sterile dust on a much larger area, affecting a territory much larger than the one supposed to be under the control of the excavation Society. Also the intentioned explosions in an unstable area determines the land to fall in an avalanche and increase the rate of spreading the nitrate and gas over what should be (according the project) unaffected settlements.
· Another problem is the type of technology used in the context of the existence of populated settlements nearby. The point here is that the cyanide based technology used by the Rosia Montana Gold Corporation for isolating the gold ore is forbidden when nearby settlements exists.
The society wanted 2120 hectares from the village Rosia Montana and 800 hectares from the village Bucium. Also the Society Rosia Montana Gold Corporation stated it will undertake a surface exploitation. This involved clearing all the area and move in other places about 2000 individuals, 800 living places (740 houses and 138 apartments), 8 churches, 9 cemeteries, schools, and archeological sites. So, basically about 3.000 hectares should be cleared in order to start the excavations. The Romanian Academic Society, refers to impact studies that consider, there will be produced about 200 million tones of sterile land, which must be deposited and 226 tones of sterile due to the process of technological transformation of the materials in the desired ore. Also there have to be created places to hold 180.000 tone of water for the process or ore transformation, and isolation of poisonous products for neutralization.
Taking into account the activities different experts consider the next main issues as affecting the environment:
· On a large area the trees will be cut down and will create the impression of a desert. This will affect the biochemical cycle modifying the temperatures, the circuit of air, of rain, will intensify the erosion process of the soil. It will also determine a modification of the flow of rivers which will determine frequent floods, land falling and consequently affecting the landscape and the turistic value of the region. Moreover is affected the economical basis of the locals, as they will be no longer able to use the woods or places to feed animals simply because those will not exist anymore. Also the modifications over the environment will affect different species of plants and animals in the area, most of the being at the moment rare or threatened with extinction. So, basically the area will be transformed in a sterile place.
· Due to the type of terrain the dislocated soil generates the danger to fall destroying the surrounding areas which are outside the excavation site destroying anything that encounter in the way. Such a scenario was encountered before in Calimani Mountains at another excavation site. For this situation the mining society gave a solution as they offered to build walls in order to strengthen the soil dump area. But this was replied with the situation in Retezat Mountains when the rain made possible for the river to destroy the protection walls. Even though this kind of scenario will not happen again the rain is still able to transfer the poisoned soil in the surrounding rivers, polluting the water.
· Next to this, another problem linked to polluting the environment, is linked to different leaks, due to infiltration of different chemical waste. The process of isolating gold from the rest of the materials is a long process that may take months and can not be interrupted; also it needs very large areas of land, which can not be acquired without eliminating the impediments. The long time of the process disables the possibility of intervention in case of different errors appears in the isolation walls. Another risk is the degree of poisonous substances in the air. This though the society estimated is under the limits accepted by the European law, still it supposes to persist over a long period of time enabling genetical modifications, heart diseases, or affect the nervous system. Different examples were presented to support the theory: Colorado (1990) and Southern Carolina (1992) in SUA, Papua Noua Guinee (1992), Guyana (1995), Ghana (1999). In Romania a similar situation happened in Baia Mare, on a much smaller area (6-8 hectares), which affected a large area, including parts of Hungary.
· The negative impact over the environment is also due to the indirect effects of the activities, which can affect the biological structures and the circulation of substances and energy. This will determine an increase in the temperatures, a decrease of the rains and an intensification of circulation of air in the area. The air will increase the rate of degradation of the environment in a zone without natural obstacles; also will be able to carry the sterile dust on a much larger area, affecting a territory much larger than the one supposed to be under the control of the excavation Society. Also the intentioned explosions in an unstable area determines the land to fall in an avalanche and increase the rate of spreading the nitrate and gas over what should be (according the project) unaffected settlements.
· Another problem is the type of technology used in the context of the existence of populated settlements nearby. The point here is that the cyanide based technology used by the Rosia Montana Gold Corporation for isolating the gold ore is forbidden when nearby settlements exists.
luni, 26 octombrie 2009
Pentru Radu
Cand vine nepotu din Danemarca, ii luam pe amandoi si ii ducem la Istru si ii obligam sa asculte melodia asta. Deep Purple in gura la maxim. Gringo, doua sute de vodca la mine si la munteanu si da mai tare! Oh happy times! Mai tii ma minte cum stateam langa boxa in Istru pe laterala?
marți, 20 octombrie 2009
Grande Punto
Intraţi pe link şi tastaţi codul zilnic ca Burtal să facă kilometrii şi să câştige Grande Punto şi să ne plimbăm cu el.
Intraţi pe link şi tastaţi codul zilnic ca Burtal să facă kilometrii şi să câştige Grande Punto şi să ne plimbăm cu el.
luni, 19 octombrie 2009
joi, 15 octombrie 2009
marți, 13 octombrie 2009
Le Roi est mort !
Am ascultat ultimul album Phoenix, Back to the future. NIMIC. Am ascultat nimic.
Cât mă priveşte, Phoenix a murit. Nu mai există speranţă. Covaci nu mai e. Pentru mine e mort. Până acum l-am apărat cu toată puterea mea. Gata.
Cum să cazi atât de mult încăt să scoţi JENA asta de album? Cum să scoţi albume ca "Cei ce ne-au dat nume", "Mugur de fluier", "CANTAFABULE"(cel mai bun album românesc scos vreodată) şi să scoţi acum în anul 2009 idioţenia asta?
Îmi vine să plâng.
Poate această postare va încuraja pe unii să-şi cumpere sau să-şi descarce albumul. VĂ ROG SĂ NU FACEŢI ASTA! Dacă v-a inspirat vreodată Phoenix, v-a dat forţă, v-a dat "nebunia aia", vă rog eu frumos să nu ascultaţi albumul ăsta!
True Facts with TheAnti
Punker anarhist: nu incerca sa intelegi ce zic ... de multe ori nici eu nu imi dau seama.
joi, 8 octombrie 2009
Iron Maiden

I don't know how, but I always return to Iron Maiden.
Blow your speakers with an Iron Maiden classic, Remember Tomorrow.
Iron Maiden - Remember Tomorrow
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica
Remember Tomorrow by Iron Maiden
(Steve Harris/Paul Di'anno)
(Steve Harris/Paul Di'anno)
Unchain the colours before my eyes,
Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies.
Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher,
I shall return from out of fire.
Tears for rememberance, and tears for joy,
Tears for somebody and this lonely boy.
Out in the madness, the all seeing eye,
Flickers above us, to light up the sky.
Unchain the colours before my eyes,
Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies.
Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher,
I shall return from out of fire.
Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies.
Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher,
I shall return from out of fire.
Tears for rememberance, and tears for joy,
Tears for somebody and this lonely boy.
Out in the madness, the all seeing eye,
Flickers above us, to light up the sky.
Unchain the colours before my eyes,
Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies.
Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher,
I shall return from out of fire.
miercuri, 7 octombrie 2009
luni, 5 octombrie 2009
miercuri, 30 septembrie 2009
Diablo Swing Orchestra - D'Angelo
Diablo Swing Orchestra - D'angelo
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica
Diablo Swing Orchestra
Album : The Butcher's Ballroom
Una dintre cele mai tari formaţii ascultate anul acesta. Genial. Vă las să ascultaţi.
marți, 29 septembrie 2009
True Facts with TheAnti
Punker anarhist care ar putea sa se comporte mai frumos fata de tine, daca si tu ai fi ceva mai inteligent.
vineri, 25 septembrie 2009
Campania roz - Fundaţia Renaşterea

Le iubesc pentru că sunt goale? Glumeţul din mine ar zice că da. Şi că îmi plac ţâţele mari.
Dar cu siguranţă nu mi-ar plăcea o femeie care se gândeşte că ţâţele ei au ajutat-o să devină ceea ce este, adică o pereche de ţâţe şi pielicică goală, după cum sugerează campania. Sau mi-ar plăcea? Sunt confuz.TheAnti:
Dupa ce am vazut un asemena afis m-am simtit eu [ca reprezentant al sexului masculin] jignit, nu vreau sa ma gandesc ce parere si-a facut o femeie. Femeia este redusa la o pereche de sani, de ca si cand acesta este singurul ei atu in viata, iar in rest ce reprezinta ea nu conteaza.
Nu vreau sa cataloghez o astfel de reclama sexista sau misogina, este doar penibila.
luni, 21 septembrie 2009
True Facts with TheAnti
Anarchist punk that never went to bed with an ugly woman, but he sure woke up with some.
vineri, 18 septembrie 2009
Ar fi o treabă
Am fost ieri cu TheAnti în căutare de loc de băut cafeaua. Şi unde să mergem? Hai pe lângă Lucky13. Am trecut pe lângă fostul nostru bar şi am văzut o domnişorică coborând din el pe scări, în rochia ei vaporoasă şi astfel de scurtă încât fluturau toate cele. Pffffffffff. Nervi şi panică. Unde vom mai găsi noi asemenea loc?
Am intrat în Curtea Berarilor la terasa din interior, care este destul de mare. Ne uităm la preţuri. 5 lei cafeaua şi 6 lei sucul. Cur. Mai bine la Lucky13. Cu 3 lei mai scump, dar asta este.
La Curtea Berarilor era cam pustiu la ora la care am fost noi. Adică 17:30. Pe la 18:00 începe distracţia. Au început să vină. Una mai ţâţoasă, una mai cocoşată, una mai piticanie, una mai înaltă (şi bună şi blondă şi cu ţâţele mari). Deci variat. Asta e bine. Dar lipseşte atmosfera de la Lucky. Să simţi că eşti primit cu căldură.
Mai bine la Lucky. Vreau la Lucky13.
Am intrat în Curtea Berarilor la terasa din interior, care este destul de mare. Ne uităm la preţuri. 5 lei cafeaua şi 6 lei sucul. Cur. Mai bine la Lucky13. Cu 3 lei mai scump, dar asta este.
La Curtea Berarilor era cam pustiu la ora la care am fost noi. Adică 17:30. Pe la 18:00 începe distracţia. Au început să vină. Una mai ţâţoasă, una mai cocoşată, una mai piticanie, una mai înaltă (şi bună şi blondă şi cu ţâţele mari). Deci variat. Asta e bine. Dar lipseşte atmosfera de la Lucky. Să simţi că eşti primit cu căldură.
Mai bine la Lucky. Vreau la Lucky13.
joi, 17 septembrie 2009
Sunt din nou trist

Au scumpit cafeaua la Lucky. Când se făcuse mai frumos, peisagiu muieristic mai variat şi mai ofertant, pac au scumpit cafeaua frate. Cu un leu. Adică 7 lei mânca-ţi-aş să dai pe o cafea? Care nici măcar din aia căcată de maimuţe nu e. Ca să nu mai zic, lovitura de graţie a fost când am văzut preţul la sticla de 0,5 de apă plată. 7 lei. Ceeeeeeeee? 7 lei. Banu...dă banu! Dincolo era mai ieftin nu se aplică, pentru că în zona Lipscani nu găseşti cafea mai ieftină de 5 lei. Decât la pahar de plastic. Ar merge, dar ce facem iarna?
Deci suntem în căutare de loc în care să ne bem cafeaua mai ieftină de 6 lei şi să ascultăm o muzică (dacă se poate metal, e în regulă, acccept), să fie şi peisagiu muieristic variat şi ofertant la care să beleşti ochiu şi să-ţi curgă bala cât aştepţi pe unu pe altu.
Dacă vreunul dintre voi ştie asemenea local/bodegă/cârciumă/bar, vă rog să mă anunţaţi. Rog seriozitate.
miercuri, 16 septembrie 2009
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica
by Gojira
The sickness of this world is destroying all the dreams
The fools are kings, tearing apart the soul
The race for complication communicate reaction
The lack of heart of men, I grow distant from the core
Borrow this body for a lifetime, earthly material
My soul unraveled out of mental
The shell returns to dust
I focus on the present concentrate on what I find
Accelerate the vision high beyond the curse of time
Bring light to my attention, the walls of vacuum fall
This force increases and tells me where to go
Follow, I enter my dimensions, awakened heart of life
Enforce my senses, I'm understanding
I find the will to live straight
I feel the change I see the vicious circle
finally turned into a virtuous one
Having the whole world in my hands, filled
Out of the frame I feel so vast I'm all around myself
Imaginative interaction
But I keep struggling inside to hold this always
Forever there
Is it the fear to fall in space that keeps us from understanding
The only way to find the power is to look inside
Increase your fall on purpose and let this river flow
Now you hold this secret appeared out of the vacuum of space
Remain in what you are, the center of your life
You made it to this point no one can tell you how
You crawled and bled all the way but you were the only one
That was tearing your soul apart, you finally find yourself
marți, 15 septembrie 2009
Finalitatea propusa in “Manifestul Partidului Comunist” este una utopica si aberanta: existenta unei singure clase (a proletariatului) in urma revolutiei proletare.
Marx si Engels pleaca de la ideea ca discursul ideologic al burgheziei este unul deformat, care promite egalitate si libertate, pe cand, dupa cum considera autorii, acesta sunt iluzorii, realitatea din capitalism aratand doar inegalitate si servitute. Deasemenea ideologia capitalista este considerata un obstacol intre realitate si constiinta sociala, un mecanism care se aseamana cu difuzarea unei boli care cuprinde atat pe exploatatori cat si pe exploatati, acestia din urma neavand constiinta propriei conditii deoarece realitatea le este ascunsa, iar exploatatorii pentru ca ajung sa creada propriul lor discurs ideologic. Altfel spus ideologia capitalista este o mistificare constienta care ajunge sa misifice si pe misificatori.
Marx si Engels pleaca de la ideea ca discursul ideologic al burgheziei este unul deformat, care promite egalitate si libertate, pe cand, dupa cum considera autorii, acesta sunt iluzorii, realitatea din capitalism aratand doar inegalitate si servitute. Deasemenea ideologia capitalista este considerata un obstacol intre realitate si constiinta sociala, un mecanism care se aseamana cu difuzarea unei boli care cuprinde atat pe exploatatori cat si pe exploatati, acestia din urma neavand constiinta propriei conditii deoarece realitatea le este ascunsa, iar exploatatorii pentru ca ajung sa creada propriul lor discurs ideologic. Altfel spus ideologia capitalista este o mistificare constienta care ajunge sa misifice si pe misificatori.
Dar nu pe mituri se bazeaza si ei [Marx si Engels]? Nu promit ei o lume a proletariatului care in viziunea lor este “condamnata” la progres si unitate? Ba da.
Intrebarea pe care eu mi-o adresez este daca cei doi autori a “manifestului …” trebuie discreditati pentru opera lor sau nu. Pana la urma este vorba despre un manifest scris la cererea “Ligii Comunistilor” in scopul “alcatuirii unui amanuntit program de partid, teoretic si practic, destinat publicitatii”, deci doar citind titlul trebuie sa realizezi ca vei avea parte de lecturarea unei opere scrise cu partinire, care urmareste revitalizarea comunismului. Astfel vinovat nu este cel care elaboreaza o astfel de opera, ci de blamat este acela care citind asa ceva crede cu incapatanare ca a gasit raspunsurile la problemele sale.
Manifestul isi propune sa “trezeasca” clasa muncitoare, “cea mai napastuita clasa” sub forma revolutiei comuniste care sa distruga ordinea existenta si sa o inlocuiasca cu una noua. Siguranta ca acest lucru va fi incununat cu succes este data de faptul ca orice lupta dintre clase de-a lungul istoriei s-a finalizat printr-o “prefacere revolutionara a intregii societati”.
Burghezia in viziunea lui Marx si Engels nu poate exista decat daca este revolutionara, daca va cauta permanent noi modalitati de producere, acest lucru fiind din perspetiva celor doi cauzele crizelor economice ce “pun sub semnul intrebarii existenta intregii societati burgheze”, iar rezolvarea crizelor este facuta prin “cucerirea de noi piete si prin exploatarea mai intensa a pietelor vechi […] Prin pregatirea unor crize si mai generale si mai formidabile si prin reducerea mijloacelor de a le preveni”. In locul acestui capitalism ei propun societatea comunista.
Dar cum arata aceasta? Care sunt principiile ce vor determina functionarea ei?
Dar cum arata aceasta? Care sunt principiile ce vor determina functionarea ei?
Tezele lor cu privire la bunul mers al ecomomiei societatii viitoare ar fi: expropierea proprietatii funciare, desfiintarea dreptului la mosenire, centralizarea creditului in mainile statului cu ajutorul unei banci nationale cu capital de stat si cu monopol exclusiv, centralizarea tuturor mijloacelor de transport in mainile staului, sporirea numarului fabricilor de stat, a unelelor de productie, destelenire si ameliorarea pamanturilor dupa un plan comun, egala obligativitate a muncii pentru toti.
Dar ce inseamna toate acestea? Ce altceva daca nu monopol, privarea individului de libertati si drepturi, supunera individului statului, privarea acestuia de initiativa economica.
Comunismul interzice practic libertatea economica. Din pacate multi cad in capcana de a considera acest lucru mai putin important. Trebuie insa inteles ca: libertatea economica nu poate fi separata de celelalte libertati, acestea fiind lipsite de fond daca libertatea economica nu exista. Libertatea economica inseanma dreptul individului de a alege felul in care doreste sa se integreze in ansamblul societatii.
Comunismul interzice practic libertatea economica. Din pacate multi cad in capcana de a considera acest lucru mai putin important. Trebuie insa inteles ca: libertatea economica nu poate fi separata de celelalte libertati, acestea fiind lipsite de fond daca libertatea economica nu exista. Libertatea economica inseanma dreptul individului de a alege felul in care doreste sa se integreze in ansamblul societatii.
In ceea ce priveste celelalte libertati ale individului (libertatea de expresie, de gandire, libertatea presei si a religiei, libertatea de a nu fi arestat fara judecata) intr-un sistem in care piata este absenta sunt iluzorii, chiar daca iau forma de legi si sunt consemnate in constitutii. Totul se poate reduce astfel la: individul deserveste pe concetatenii sai si este in schimb deservit de ei.
Ura, lupta la care indeamna Marx si Engels pe proletari impotriv burghezilor pleaca de la faptul ca ei isi imagineza marii industriasi ca adevarati patroni ai sistemului economic - orice indoctrinat socialist ar da replica asta si ar completa cu “asta este realitatea”.
Ura, lupta la care indeamna Marx si Engels pe proletari impotriv burghezilor pleaca de la faptul ca ei isi imagineza marii industriasi ca adevarati patroni ai sistemului economic - orice indoctrinat socialist ar da replica asta si ar completa cu “asta este realitatea”.
Dar nu dragul meu socialist aceasta nu este realitatea! Iar pentru a realiza acest lucru trebuie sa intelegi cum functioneaza un sistem economic capitalist. Astfel nu trebuie sa te opresti superficial la lucrurile care se vad, ci trebuie sa cauti sa vezi si lucrurile ce nu pot fi percepute direct. In momentul in care consumatorii inceteaza sa mai cumpere anumite bunuri, in contextul unei economii libere, patronul este obligat, daca doreste sa nu dea faliment, sa isi adapteze actiunile conform cu dorintele consumatorilor. De cealalata parte insa socialismul vede guvernul ca autoritate paterna, ca tutore universal, ca pe cineva care imi reglementeaza mie ca si consumator ce si cat sa cumpar.
In alte cuvinte acesta este diferenta dintre sclavie si libertate: sclavul e tinut sa faca ceea ce ii ordona superiorul, pe cand ceteanul liber este in masura sa isi aleaga singur propriul mod de viata. Este posibil, desigur, sa comita fapte ce nu ar trebui comise, dar numultumitul poate dispune de persuasiune pentru a demonstra acest lucru.
sâmbătă, 12 septembrie 2009
True Facts with TheAnti
Anarchist punk running around in circles, shouting "ANGEL BONDAGE! ANGEL BONDAGE!"
vineri, 11 septembrie 2009
luni, 7 septembrie 2009
Lucky Strike
Cum sunt fumător numai de ţigarete Lucky Strike, prietenul Anonim mi-a trimis nişte poze cu diferite design-uri ale pachetelor de ţigarete apărute prin lume. Lucky Strike rules.
duminică, 6 septembrie 2009
True Facts with TheAnti
Punker anarhist care nu se pricepe la facut ordine in casa deoarece are impresia ca este atat de bun la toate celelalte.
vineri, 4 septembrie 2009
O mică dorinţă
Ma gândeam zilele trecute ce concert aş vrea să mai văd, după ce anul trecut am văzut IRON MAIDEN. Aş vrea să văd QUEEN. Nu m-am gândit la asta până acum, ştiind că Freddie Mercury este dus iar John Deacon a plecat din formaţie. Deci da, vreau să văd QUEEN.
marți, 1 septembrie 2009
luni, 31 august 2009
vineri, 28 august 2009
Poze şi fapte din concediu. Enisala şi Capul Doloşman.
La Capul Doloşman am ajuns în ultima parte a concediului, cu două zile înainte de călătoria finală de la Gura Portiţei.
Cum ne-am întors din baltă şi am sorbit mult dorita cafea de la Istru, ne-am pus întrebarea: Ce facem în continuare? Unde mai mergem? Cum TheAnti a vrut să vizităm Enisala încă de la prima călătorie la Gura Portitei (asta se întămpla în prima săptămână de concediu), ni s-a părut cea mai bună alegere. Frunză a plusat şi a zis să mergem şi la Capul Doloşman că e o cetate acolo. Nu auzisem în viaţa noastră de Capul Doloşman.
Ne trezim a doua zi dimineaţă pe la un 8 aşa. La 9 ne întâlnim la Istru să ne bem cafeaua şi să ne fumăm ţigaretele. Telenovelă şi mizerie cum se întâmplă de obicei şi purcedem. Iată:

Bazilica principala de aici este de forma rectangulara, despartita in trei nave, prin trei siruri de coloane. Zidurile erau construite din piatra imbinata cu mortar. Absida edificiului este semirotunda in interior si poligonala la exterior. Pe latura de sud a bazilicii, intr-o perioada mai tarzie, au fost adaugate trei incaperi si un baptisterium.

Cum ne-am întors din baltă şi am sorbit mult dorita cafea de la Istru, ne-am pus întrebarea: Ce facem în continuare? Unde mai mergem? Cum TheAnti a vrut să vizităm Enisala încă de la prima călătorie la Gura Portitei (asta se întămpla în prima săptămână de concediu), ni s-a părut cea mai bună alegere. Frunză a plusat şi a zis să mergem şi la Capul Doloşman că e o cetate acolo. Nu auzisem în viaţa noastră de Capul Doloşman.
Ne trezim a doua zi dimineaţă pe la un 8 aşa. La 9 ne întâlnim la Istru să ne bem cafeaua şi să ne fumăm ţigaretele. Telenovelă şi mizerie cum se întâmplă de obicei şi purcedem. Iată:
Prima oprire...Babadag, unde am luat pulsul comunităţii. E bine la Babadag.
Am pornit spre Enisala.
Ruinele fortăreţei medievale Yeni-Sale (Enisala, Enişala, Heraclee sau Heraclia) se află la 2km de localitatea Enisala, pe un deal calcaros care domină zona lacurilor Razim şi Babadag.
Istoria cetăţii şi a aşezării din apropiere este ilustrată şi de denumirile pe care aceasta le-a avut: de la Vicus Novus, care se traduce Satul Nou, la Novoe Selo, pe care turcii l-au preluat în limba lor rezultând Yeni-Sale din care a derivat denumirea actuală a satului Enisala.
Cetatea este situată într-un complex arheologic cu numeroase vestigii din epoca neolitică până în evul mediu. Cercetările arheologice au fost începute în anul 1939 şi au continuat, cu mici întreruperi, în perioada anilor 1970-1998. Locuirii medievale îi corespund două niveluri de locuire. Primul, anterior construirii fortificaţiei, a fost datat pe baza materialului arheologic la sfârşitul secolului al XIII-lea – începutul secolului al XIV-lea. Cel de al doilea nivel corespunde perioadei ridicării zidurilor.
Cetatea a fost construită în scop militar, defensiv şi de supraveghere a drumurilor de pe apă şi de pe uscat, în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIV-lea, de către o autoritate care viza zona de la Gurile Dunării. Pe baza tehnicilor constructive, a materialului arheologic şi a realităţilor istorice s-a emis ipoteza că singurii interesaţi de ridicarea unei cetăţi situată în cadrul sistemului de fortificaţii din nordul Dobrogei, cu orientare spre mare, pentru controlarea traficului naval, erau negustorii genovezi, care dispuneau de mari sume de bani câştigate din comerţ şi care erau deţinătorii monopolului navigaţiei pe Marea Neagră.
Cetatea Yeni-Sale are un plan poligonal neregulat, care urmează sinuozităţile masivului de calcar jurasic pe care este amplasată.
Zidurile de incintă, turnurile şi bastioanele cetăţii, parţial conservate şi restaurate, se păstrează în cea mai mare parte pe o înălţime de 5 – 10m. Atrage atenţia, ca element arhitectonic deosebit, bastionul porţii principale, de origine orientală, cu arcadă dublă, întâlnită frecvent în evul mediu şi utilizată de constructorii bizantini la diverse edificii din Peninsula Balcanică dar şi în Ţările Române la Cetatea Neamţului, biserica Sf. Nicolae Domnesc de la Curtea de Argeş şi la bisericile moldoveneşti ctitorite de Ştefan cel Mare.
În urma studierii portulanelor din secolele XIII – XIV, localitatea care apare sub numele de Bambola, Pampulo a fost edificată cu cetatea Enisala. Aceasta a fost pentru prima dată menţionată cu numele de Yeni-Sale în secolul al XV-lea, în cronica lui SüKrüllah.
Fortificaţia de la Enisala a făcut parte din lanţul de colonii genoveze care îngloba oraşele de la Gurile Dunării.
Între 1397 – 1418, în timpul domniei lui Mircea cel Bătrân, cetatea a făcut parte din sistemul defensiv al Ţării Româneşti. După cucerirea Dobrogei de către turci la 1419/1420 aici a fost instalată o garnizoană militară otomană.
Ulterior, datorită înaintării stăpânirii turceşti dincolo de Gurile Dunării, până la Cetatea Albă şi Chilia (1484) şi ca urmare a formării cordoanelor de nisip ce separă lacul Razim de Marea Neagră, cetatea a fost abandonată. În secolul al XVI-lea aceasta nu mai corespundea intereselor strategice şi economice turceşti (otomane).
Materialele descoperite în urma cercetărilor arheologice şi mai ales monedele bizantine, genoveze, tătărăşti, moldovene, muntene sau turceşti atestă rolul militar, politic, administrativ şi economic pe care l-a îndeplinit cetatea.
Sursa wikipedia
Istoria cetăţii şi a aşezării din apropiere este ilustrată şi de denumirile pe care aceasta le-a avut: de la Vicus Novus, care se traduce Satul Nou, la Novoe Selo, pe care turcii l-au preluat în limba lor rezultând Yeni-Sale din care a derivat denumirea actuală a satului Enisala.
Cetatea este situată într-un complex arheologic cu numeroase vestigii din epoca neolitică până în evul mediu. Cercetările arheologice au fost începute în anul 1939 şi au continuat, cu mici întreruperi, în perioada anilor 1970-1998. Locuirii medievale îi corespund două niveluri de locuire. Primul, anterior construirii fortificaţiei, a fost datat pe baza materialului arheologic la sfârşitul secolului al XIII-lea – începutul secolului al XIV-lea. Cel de al doilea nivel corespunde perioadei ridicării zidurilor.
Cetatea a fost construită în scop militar, defensiv şi de supraveghere a drumurilor de pe apă şi de pe uscat, în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIV-lea, de către o autoritate care viza zona de la Gurile Dunării. Pe baza tehnicilor constructive, a materialului arheologic şi a realităţilor istorice s-a emis ipoteza că singurii interesaţi de ridicarea unei cetăţi situată în cadrul sistemului de fortificaţii din nordul Dobrogei, cu orientare spre mare, pentru controlarea traficului naval, erau negustorii genovezi, care dispuneau de mari sume de bani câştigate din comerţ şi care erau deţinătorii monopolului navigaţiei pe Marea Neagră.
Cetatea Yeni-Sale are un plan poligonal neregulat, care urmează sinuozităţile masivului de calcar jurasic pe care este amplasată.
Zidurile de incintă, turnurile şi bastioanele cetăţii, parţial conservate şi restaurate, se păstrează în cea mai mare parte pe o înălţime de 5 – 10m. Atrage atenţia, ca element arhitectonic deosebit, bastionul porţii principale, de origine orientală, cu arcadă dublă, întâlnită frecvent în evul mediu şi utilizată de constructorii bizantini la diverse edificii din Peninsula Balcanică dar şi în Ţările Române la Cetatea Neamţului, biserica Sf. Nicolae Domnesc de la Curtea de Argeş şi la bisericile moldoveneşti ctitorite de Ştefan cel Mare.
În urma studierii portulanelor din secolele XIII – XIV, localitatea care apare sub numele de Bambola, Pampulo a fost edificată cu cetatea Enisala. Aceasta a fost pentru prima dată menţionată cu numele de Yeni-Sale în secolul al XV-lea, în cronica lui SüKrüllah.
Fortificaţia de la Enisala a făcut parte din lanţul de colonii genoveze care îngloba oraşele de la Gurile Dunării.
Între 1397 – 1418, în timpul domniei lui Mircea cel Bătrân, cetatea a făcut parte din sistemul defensiv al Ţării Româneşti. După cucerirea Dobrogei de către turci la 1419/1420 aici a fost instalată o garnizoană militară otomană.
Ulterior, datorită înaintării stăpânirii turceşti dincolo de Gurile Dunării, până la Cetatea Albă şi Chilia (1484) şi ca urmare a formării cordoanelor de nisip ce separă lacul Razim de Marea Neagră, cetatea a fost abandonată. În secolul al XVI-lea aceasta nu mai corespundea intereselor strategice şi economice turceşti (otomane).
Materialele descoperite în urma cercetărilor arheologice şi mai ales monedele bizantine, genoveze, tătărăşti, moldovene, muntene sau turceşti atestă rolul militar, politic, administrativ şi economic pe care l-a îndeplinit cetatea.
Sursa wikipedia
A doua destinaţie din acea zi a fost Capul Doloşman.
Orgame/Argamum: localitatea antica de pe teritoriul României cu cea mai veche atestare documentara: Hecateu din Milet (sfârsitul sec. VI a. Chr.): "Orgame - oras lânga Istru". Cunoscuta sub numele de Argamum în epoca romana si localizata la Capul Dolosman de Vasile Pârvan (1916).Cercetarile arheologice, initiate de Paul Nicorescu în 1926, au fost întrerupte în 1932, dupa ce facusera posibila degajarea completa a fortificatiilor orasului romano-bizantin, a doua bazilici paleocrestine si a altor constructii antice, inclusiv pe insula Bisericuta.
Sursa aici

Bazilica principala de aici este de forma rectangulara, despartita in trei nave, prin trei siruri de coloane. Zidurile erau construite din piatra imbinata cu mortar. Absida edificiului este semirotunda in interior si poligonala la exterior. Pe latura de sud a bazilicii, intr-o perioada mai tarzie, au fost adaugate trei incaperi si un baptisterium.


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