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joi, 29 octombrie 2009


Zona afectata se numeste Albunus Maior si este localizata intre Abrud si Campeni. Conform Universitatii ”Le Mirail” din Toulouse in aceasta zona inca din Epoca Bronzului a fost un important site minier care a avut o importanta mare in perioada Romana si a carui activitate a continuat pana in Evul Mediu.

Din punct de vedere juridic aria in cauza este protejata printr-o ordonanta de unrgenta din anul 2000, iar apoi printr-un proiect numit ”Albunus Maior” al Ministerului Culturii.

In perioada in care s-au facut cercetari arheologice in zona, au fost descoperite locase de cult, cladiri specifice care demonstrau ca acele locuri erau locuite de o populatie a carei ocupatie principala o reprezenta mineritul. Cercetarile au fost facute de specialisti ai Universitatii ”Le Mirail” din Touluse. Acestia considera ca descoperirile nu fac decat sa marcheze un inceput, iar site-ul trebuie protejat.
Conform lui Al. Suceveanu (institutul arheologic ”V. Parvan”), site-ul arheologic se intinde pe 100 de hectare. Problema o reprezinta faptul ca terenul pe care se va intinde activitatea de extragere a aurului se intinde si asupra celor 100 de hectare ale site-ului arheologic.
In acest moment cea mai importanta zona a site-ului poarte numele de ”Galeriile” si au o importanta mondiala. Aici au fost descoperite vase de ceara datand din secolul XVIII si care necesita o atentie speciala. Aceste galerii sunt in pericol de prabusire chiar si in conditii normale, iar in contextul exploziilor ”controlate” necesare in procesul de extragere a aurului se vor prabusi. Echipa universitatii din Toulouse a cercetat aproximativ 70 de kilometri de galerii in Carnic, Cetate, Habad, Orlea, Tarina, Carpeni, iar cele mai importante din Orlea, Calina-Monulesti sunt cele mai expuse in cazul exploziilor.

Va continua ……


The affected zone is named Alburnus Maior, an is placed next to Abrud and Campeni. In the ancient times it was an important mining site which worked from the Bronze Age, according to the „Le Mirail” University from Toulouse. It had an important significance during the Roman Empire and was still in place during the Dark Ages and later. From another point of view the territory is important for the Romanian history as it was the starting place for the riot of 1784 and then an important recruiting place for the uprisings led by Avram Iancu during 1848-1849. From a legal point of view the area was already protected by a emergency ordinance in 2000 (of the Romanian government), and later on in 2001 by a project named „Alburnus Maior” started by the Romanian Culture Ministry. It is worth mentioning that Rosia Montana Gold Corporation invested in the archeological excavation site each year (1 billion in 2000, 31 billion in 2001, 43 billion in 2003), and also offered important amount of money to the resettled individuals. Actually it was this period of massive investments from the excavation company that made possible different archeological discoveries. Different settlements were found, worship places and specific buildings that proved that on that territory was inhabited by a mining orientating population since the Roman Empire. The researches were made by specialists from the French University „Le Mirail” of Toulouse. The same archeologists concluded that the new discoveries only mark a beginning and the site should be protected.
Also according to Al. Suceveanu (from the Archeology Institute „V. Parvan”) the whole archeological site should have about 100 hectares, from which about 10 hectares were selected as a start, out of which only 3 hectares were digged. The problem is that the mining excavation site extension project targets a part of 100 hectares of the archeological site. It is important to say that still the archeologist don’t actually know if the total surface is to be kept later on or not, but only suppose there might be discovered artifacts and so conclude that it has to be protected. Still such a research needs many years.
At the moment the most precious part of the archeological site are „The Galleries” duet o their significance worldwide. Here were discovered wax plates from the XVIII-th century, that demand a special attention. These galleries are in danger of collapse even in normal circumstances, and the (controlled) explosions needed in the process of mining for gold ore can put in danger their stability. The team from the University of Toulouse researched about 70 kilometers of the galleries in Carnic, Cetate, Habad, Orlea, Tarina, Carpeni. The most important are the ones from Orlea, Calina-Monulesti, which is place on special attention and are endangered by the explosions.

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