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marți, 15 februarie 2011

The Turkish Lesson


Since the day I knew myself, friends,
I could not be an enemy to anyone
I have no doubt, my shroud is strong*
I drink tonight

Since the day I heard the voices, friends,
I have started all over again
I am in no hurry, my aim is strong
I drink… I… tonight…

I drink
I… here… tonight…

Since the day I saw you, friends
Almost each day is a festival for me
I have no tomorrow, my beloveds are strong**

I drink tonight
I drink
I… here… tonight…

Bu Aksam

kendime geldim geleli dostlar
olamam kimseye düsman
bi süphem yok kefenim saglam
icerim ben bu aksam

sesleri duydum duyali dostlar
yola ciktim yeni bastan
acelem yok hedefim saglam
icerim ben ben bu aksam

icerim ben
ben burda bu aksam

sizleri gördüm göreli dostlar
hemen hergün bana bayram
yarinim yok sevenim saglam

icerim ben bu aksam
icerim ben
ben burda bu aksam

* It is a phrase, meaning “having no concern about the life after death.”
** “Strong” here stands for “sure”.

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