We descend from the vikings, and we were the elite troups of the Byzantine Empire - The Varagoi.
Our history is marked by negation:
- our very brothers and sisters denigned us the right to return to our country after we served the Byzantine Empire;
- the Ottoman Empire - denied what we really are, fighters, as we were denied the right to carry weapons;
- Romania, Poland, Greece, Russia - after the balkan wars bombed our cities to the ground.
We fought to nearly our extinction - even women, kids took up weapons and charged to the enemy.
And then ... then Austro-Hungary promised us to restore our rights if we fight for them ... and we did, because this is what were are for - to drink and fight as brothers!
But again, all they wanted was greed.
I am Pitu Guli, the blood leader of my people.
We now call ourselves Armânj and we are here to fight. We may be behind the great super powers of the world, but we can do 2 things and we are the best at them.
Drinking and Fighting!
We shall fight to the last man, to the last drop of blood!
Strengh and Honor my friends!
Our history is marked by negation:
- our very brothers and sisters denigned us the right to return to our country after we served the Byzantine Empire;
- the Ottoman Empire - denied what we really are, fighters, as we were denied the right to carry weapons;
- Romania, Poland, Greece, Russia - after the balkan wars bombed our cities to the ground.
We fought to nearly our extinction - even women, kids took up weapons and charged to the enemy.
And then ... then Austro-Hungary promised us to restore our rights if we fight for them ... and we did, because this is what were are for - to drink and fight as brothers!
But again, all they wanted was greed.
I am Pitu Guli, the blood leader of my people.
We now call ourselves Armânj and we are here to fight. We may be behind the great super powers of the world, but we can do 2 things and we are the best at them.
Drinking and Fighting!
We shall fight to the last man, to the last drop of blood!
Strengh and Honor my friends!
The text is based on hystorical facts, but the way they are presednted and combined is distorted.
RăspundețiȘtergerecam putina lume s-a "inghesuit" la articolul lui the anti . nu prea iti faci treaba cu el
RăspundețiȘtergerecum sa nu iti faci? iti faci
RăspundețiȘtergerecu the mad hatter nu prea iti faceai, ca tot a venit vorba sau cu talmacu sau andrada
cu thexme nu prea iti MAI faci treaba, dar il mai las, ca stiu ca e delasator.
Textul e banal, distorsionarea istoriei este dusa la extrem, nu este vorba de sex, violenta, droguri ...
RăspundețiȘtergereOricum vor mai fi si alte episoade, si voi avea diferite moduri de abordare (declaratii ale altor state, radio broadcast, probabil interceptari de mesaje oficiale).
In mare am sa incerc sa creez un fel de context international in care apar tot felul de state, exista o balanta a puterilor, exista posibile miscari armate, rasism.
Nu ma astept ca fiecare text in parte sa insemne mult, ci textele privite in ansamblu si puse in o anumita ordine sa aibe o importanta.
aaaa deci ne jucam Medieval Total War sau Heroes?
RăspundețiȘtergerezi si mie sa ma bag si eu!
Heroes ... in nici un caz nu imi place jocul.
RăspundețiȘtergereMedieval ... aveam de gand sa scriu o poveste cu o astfel de tema, dar imi lua prea mult timp. Asa ca am amanat ”proiectul”.
Povestea asta este plasata undeva dupa Razboaiele balcanice (1912-1913).