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marți, 31 martie 2009

Aventurile unei namile la dentist II

Nr. 1 forever!
Deci Nico, rules supreme forever, e foarte tare frate.
Am fost ieri la extractie. NU M-A DURUT. Pe bune zic. A scos maseaua, bucati de masea, a racait cu ditamai cuiu direct pe os zic si nu m-a durut. Foarte tare. Un om nascut pentru a fi MEDIC STOMATOLOG. Sa revenim la aventura.
Plec eu ieri de la munca cu putin morcov in fundoi spre cabinetul Nicoletei. Inchipuiti-va ditamai morcovul la cat de mare mi-e fundalaul. Am tras o ultima tigare in apropierea cabinetului tot repetandu-mi ca o sa fie bine (vorba lu Molia: O sa fie bine ma!). Intru in cabinet. Nico ma astepta zambind. Imediat am inceput sa zambesc si eu. La intrarea in cabinet am zambit de frica, dar ce bine ca Nico e o persoana buna la suflet si mai arunca o gluma, o minciuna si m-am relaxat complet. Asta pana am vazut seringa cu care urma sa-mi faca anestezia. Fraaaaaatteeee. Eu nu am mai vazut asa seringa decat la doctorii veterinari. Nu puteai frate sa ai si tu seringi normale? zic. Nuuuuuuuuuuu, zice Nico razand tare. Cica e o seringa mai precisa, iar in combinatie cu nu stiu ce ac subtireanu face nu stiu ce mare precizie si nu te doare. Am inceput sa fac cacu pe mine.
Facem anestezia pac incep sa par increzator in mine, de fapt stiu ca Nico stie ca eram cu morcoveanu iesit. Incep sa intreb care este procedura. Masea de minte, spart, cleste, o penseta, niste cuie indoite prinse in niste fieratanii (gluma) astea. Eu credeam ca o sa stau jumate de ora sa-si faca anestezia efectul. Dar nu. Pac pac. Nico scoate sculele. Incepem. Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Baga un cleste mai subtirel incepe, atentie, eu in momentul ala strangeam atat de tare din buciferi ca nici cacu nu mai avea cum sa iasa. STUPOARE. Nu simteam nimic. Sa-mi frec una zic. Ce se intampla. De ce nu ma doare? Pentru ca anestezia isi facuse efectul si Nico nu lucreaza cu marfa de proasta calitate cum lucreaza altii. A inceput sa clatine ciotu. Nimic. Nicio durere. Ba super tare zic. Cu un ochi ma uitam intr-o parte a cabinetului si cu coltul celuilalt ochi ma uitam la ochii Nicoletei sa vad daca nu prind vreo reactie care sa tradeze gravitatea situatiei. Observ ca Nico se uita nu numai in gura ci si la mecla mea sa vada daca ma stramb sau nu. Asta m-a linistit foarte tare. Scoate un mic ciot. Ma fricoshez. Asta inseamna ca s-a spart. Scoate Nico din dulap niste scule, nu stiu cum se cheama, poate ma ajuta Nico aici. Umbla ea acolo. PRECIZARE: IN TOT ACEST TIMP NU M-A DURUT DELOC. Scuipa zice. Scuip. Sangalau cheaguri, cheaguri. Gluma. Nico ia un cleste mai maricel. Zic gata se termina. Mai e putin. Incepe sa miste dintalaul cand intr-o parte cand in alta. Mai trage, mai misca. Mai trage, mai misca. Intr-un final dupa scobit acolo si nedurut, scoate ultima ramasita si gata it is all over my friends. Super fericit. Desi mi s-a spus ca avem o mecla nu tocmai fericita eu eram fericit in adancul sufletului meu ca am trecut prin asta cu ajutorul Nicoletei fara sa simt durerea. Ba chia r pot sa spun ca m-am distrat. Nico baga niste glume foarte tari chiar cand esti pe scaun.

Evil - An Institution of the State

On the subjective level evil has its own charm, generates a emotional/affective atmosphere, it can be motivating and stimulating. Many times I have seen people attracted to evil, for no reason, just because (it is/it looks evil). On the subjective level it is difficult to find a place for evil in a normal society. Evil is understood as something irrational, against the norms of the society. But the truth is that there is nothing irrational about evil in such a objective scenario. It is a perfect viable situation in which a rational agent commits evil using his rationality, having a well defined perspective of evil. Actually I will try to point out that in a social scheme, using coercition evil is something well planned, rational and is quantified through its effectivness.
I will take a special case of evil – ”coercive power” [I am an anarchist therefore I cannot find any greater evil in a society]. I will take the example of two rational agents who try to reach an agreement.
Lets thake the following situation where there are no social institutions:
- An agent named A threatens another named B with X (beating);
- X (beating) is something that hurts B and therefore wants to avoid it;
- A wants Y (money) from B.
Outputs -----------------------------------------
- If B does Y, then A does not do X;
- For B, X is a greater loss than Y
So a basic logic would lead to the fact that B does Y and A is succesful.
But not everything that is logic is also correct, and in this sence the logic above is flawed, because it neglects the fact that B can resist.
So we will have the following output:
- B refuses to do Y;
- As A can not get Y from B and he will have to do X.
But Why would A do so? As B already refused to give X, beating him will only mean a waste of energy for A. So intrinsically there is no bennefit for A at all, moreover he puts himself at the risk of harm, as he can get injuries.
So, as long we have 2 rational agents that are looking to maximising their profit, then coercition will not work … unless they are scared, therefore irrational.
Next i will take a simmilar example but put it in the context of social institutions and point out that such threats become efficient only if different social institutions work. By social institutions one can understant both the formal level (the State) and the informal level (e.g. gangster organizations). My argument is a Hobbesian one which shows that in the State of Nature social power does not exist. Social power is a social construction. Moreover continuing Hobbes argument there is nothing evil or wrong in the State of Nature. In his opinion social institutions bring justice, and as a consequence evil as a failure of justice. So for Hobbes the situation I presented above can not be coercition, but only violence.
Lets now look at a situation in a institutional setting:
[I will not write again what was mentioned before, but only add what is new]
Now A is in a threat position as he is a institutional agent and threats with X, convincing B. What convinces B is not the agent, but the background of the institution he represents, so coercition emerges as a type of effective interactive strategy. A is a institutional agent with a norm to follow and A acts according to the preset pattern he is programed to follow. If A (as a institutional agent) does not do X and B does not do Y, then A will loose its reputations and his effectivness in coercing other subjects.
Institutional threats and coercition can be effective and efficient to the degree that they become invisible. Both agents know the rules of the game even before it begins and both can anticipate their opponents actions, so there is no need for an explicit threat. This way B becomes an institutional victim who may even fail to notice this fact.
Evil is then fully embodied in a effective and efficient action context which is strenghtened by relevant institutions. This is why so much of all the evil in the society is not visible. It is a part of the rational social plan of life and its embodiement. Threats become invisible and in a sense accepted. This is a standard case in a society where hard social power is well organized and established. Both the coercer and the subject of coercition understand what can be done and what cannot. The coercer knows that the victim is afraid of what he consideres a negative value, this is one of the reasons threats are based on violence.
Only in a institutionalized context can coercition work effectively and efficiently. This is a kind of anarchistic conclusion: institutions make evil possible in the praxiological sense. So, coercition is a perfect example of rational and logical evil which is not based on error, but requires knowledge. Coercition also creates an illusion of cooperation and choice, which tends to hide its true nature.


vineri, 27 martie 2009

Aventurile unei namile la dentist

Mi-e frica de dentist. Sunt o namila de om. Adica am niste kile. Totusi mi-e frica sa merg la dentist. Pentru ca dooaaaarreeee. Pana sa ajung in Bucuresti, frecventam cabinetul stomatologic al unei stomatoloage din Tulcea. Nu dau nume. Mi-a pus niste plombe, mi-a facut niste extractii. M-a durut pana in crestetul capului. Stiti cum e sa stai in scaunul acela si stomatoloaga, caci altfel nu am cum sa-i spun, sa lucreze in gura ta (fun fun fun) si sa te doara iar tu sa-i spui ca te doare si dumisale sa scormoneasca in continuare cu albinutza sau cum naibii s-o numi burghiul ala nenonoricit cu care repari cariutzele. E naspa. La dentist e naspa. Asa ziceam.
Saptamana asta am fost iar la dentist. De data asta am fost aici in Bucuresti la Nico la cabinet. Tot imi era frica. Prima data am fost la consultatie. Stiti cum va racaie cu cuisoru' ala imputit sa vada daca te doare? Ei, pe mine nu m-a racait Nico. Ca nu am vrut. Deci nu m-a durut. M-am cacat pe mine de frica la consultatie. Vroiam sa o tin de vorba. Sa nu-mi zica cumva sa trec pe scaun. Dar stiam ca nu am cum sa evit inevitabilul. S-a uitat. Aici asa, aici extractie la maseaua de minte, acolo asa. Ma trimite la radiografie. Imi venea sa rad de bucurie cand am iesit din cabinet pentru ca eram fericit ca un dobitoc ca nu m-a durut. La consultatie gen. M-a chemat peste 2 zile. M-am dus. Stiam ca trebuie sa fac extractie (fucking joy). Eram oarecum pregatit. Cand ajung la cabinet Nico ma intreaba daca sunt gata de extractie. Huh, trag aer in piept. Da zic.
Ma asez pe scaun. Nu mai bine facem un detartraj? zice. Fuckin A. Splendid. Doare? Nu. Perfect. Hai s-o facem si pe asta zic. Dupa jumatate de ora de razuit peatra dintre dinti. Nu m-a durut decat cand a razuit la gropile abisale din maselele mele. Am iertat-o oricum. Deci Nico rules supreme.
Ma duc si la extractie.
Sa va spalati pe dinti zic.

Savatage - Chance

Savatage - Chance
Handful of Rain

joi, 26 martie 2009


As I told you before, I had a broken camera. So, I took it to a repair shop. After an hour of searching for the shop, walking without a target to find my way back home in the amalgamated streets of the quarter behind the Victoria Palace, I find the shop. In fact, I spot the car of the Fujifilm repair center. So, I think that the shop is near. And it was. I enter the shop and a very very nice guy offers me a seat to wait until he finishes the paperwork for the customer infront of me. The customer leaves and the repar guy calls me. I go to him and he asks me what is the problem of the camera. Well, I say to him, I dropped it on the floor. Ups. He looks at me with some sort of admonishment. He tries to open the camera without succes. Of course, I say in my mind. It is broken. I dropped it on the floor. He than tries again to open the camera but he looks in to the small screen, not the big one, and he looks at me very dissappointed. He changes the betteries of the camera and says that the batteries were dead. I look at him with a stupid face. The camera was fine. The batteries were dead. Stuuuuuppiiiiiid!!!

The conclusions are:
1) Fujifilm makes great cameras.
2) Cardinal Top Systems are great.

miercuri, 25 martie 2009

Cum sa fii arestat instant

Cum sa sperii pasagerul care sta pe scaunul de langa tine in avion sau in tren:
1. scoate-ti laptopul din geanta
2. deschide-l lent de tot..
3. porneste-l
4. verifica faptul ca nesimtitul de langa tine urmareste ecranul
5. deschide pagina de internet pe care o folosesti in mod normal
6. inchide ochii si ridica capul spre cer..
7. respira profund si…
8. da click pe urmatorul link: (promit ca nu e nimic scary)
9. observa fata vecinului tau ....

luni, 23 martie 2009

The Goat and her 3 kids - an unorthodox perspective

Praxiology, or action theory, is supposed to investigate the general concepts of individual and collective action, as well as the conditions of efficient action regardless of its moral value: (von Mises, 1949; Kotarbinski, 1965; Bunge, 1998). In this regard praxiology is nothing but the philosophical counterpart of management technology.
Examples: the investigation of the means-goal or input-output relation in general terms, and the search for general principles of efficient action, such as that of "satisfying" instead of maximizing.

The story of the “Goat and her 3 Kids” is a classic story for kids, but if praxiology is applied it becomes a instrument to analyze action patterns where a wolf kills 2 goat kids and he is then killed by the kids mother “the Goat”. Beside the militaristic view that I will try to create, there is a factor found in programming: in game programming a command line, leads to an action. How well the action behaves during game play depends on the line. But there are ups and downs to all commands.
I will first separate the story in characters. The Wolf who will guide his actions based on his strong points: Strength and Cunning, The Goat who will base her actions on Intelligence and Rage, the Old Kid whose actions are based on stupidity, the Middle Kid again well raised to stupidity and the young kid smart and cautious.
As the story begins we have the 2 sides the wolf on the attacking side with the mission to kill and eat the kids, the goat who has to gather food for her kids and the kids who will be taken as a group and on individual basis, their mission is to stay locked in the house where they are safe.
The first action is this: the Mother Goat leaves and tells the kids to lock the door. It is the best way to be taken in this situation as they are not able to defend themselves otherwise. The action was correct then. To strengthen the first option of the action a password is chosen, this is action 2 of the Goat; it is still just a plus to action 1. Action 2 is followed by instructions: the treat is possible so the need for further security is needed. But action 2 is flawed as the password is not secure because it is said outside in the open field. Action 2 is the breaking point of the first part. If the password would have been secured the wolf would have been left without a plan and unable to enter the house. The mother Goat leaves and the Kids to behave as they are told in the beginning (the) action 1. At this miment the Wolf has the upper hand, he is in possession of the password and the logical and best option to get entry in the house is to use the password, other actions are not viable as the door is locked and no other way in exists. The plan will fail in the beginning as the young Kid recognizes that this is not his mother’s voice. He is so able to stop his older brother who failed for the first attack. The door remains locked and the first plan of the wolf is rendered useless. In order for his second attempt to work the Wolf needs to do some adjustments. The Wolf will change his voice so that is lighter and will imitate better the voice of the mother Goat. The second time the Older kid will gain the upper hand in the struggle whit his younger brothers and open the door.
To analyze the actions of the Old kid is easy, he is lead by stupidity all the way, the first time instead of checking the door or to take some evasive action he is so eager to do it. Only his younger brother is able to convince him that is not wise to open the door being helped here by the wolf’s voice. The second time the changed voice of the wolf gave the Older Kid the upper hand in the house and took away every sense he had giving him the assurance of the validity. The second action is the only good action that the wolf does. The first was a failure and the next to come are either luck or unwise. At the moment when the door is being opened the two other kids are taking the story inside the house to the personal level as so.
The middle kid hides under the bed and the young one in the fireplace. As a repercussion of his bad decision making the Older kid dies once the door is opened, the other two being separated and bringing the action to the individual level are unable to help or support each other.
At this moment The Wolf shows that he did not had a plan all the way. His plan was to get in but he had no idea how many kids were inside. Stupid for him that he didn’t see them outside when the Mother gave them instruction. Moreover after a superficial search he decides to rest. This action is not planed and gains no points for this. Only by luck he decides to rest on the bed, the same bed that hides the middle kid also by luck the wolf sneezes.
The next action belongs to the middle kid, he could have chosen the logical path to keep quiet but he decides to politely respond to the wolf and to give away his position. The younger kid kept quiet and said nothing, the action that would have been the best in the case of the middle kid as well. For taking the wrong decision the middle kid dies as well.
The search for the third kid is in vane as this one sticks to his original logical plan of hiding as he has no other viable decision to undertake. Action 9 is the wolf’s personal sadistic action, to place the severed heads of the two dead kids in the window frame and to cover the house in blood. This is an unneeded action, an action that was not needed neither by the wolfs primal needs [hunger] nor by someone else, this is an hatred rising action, it will not give the wolf more victory points, for it is not going to intimidate the Goat. As a decision it is a bad one for it is not only a waste of time but will enrage the Goat even further. Now with his plan almost accomplished he wolf leaves but the makes the great mistake of the second part, he lives the young kid alive as witness. The death of the third kid would have gave him invulnerability and then action 9 the covering with blood would have had a meaning
The revenge starts as soon as the mother Goat comes home. Action 9 enters in effect but the effect at first is the opposite of the intended, only after the discovery of the massacre the effect has the predicted effect and not the intended. Military tacticians have stressed the idea of using the best asset in war as soon as you know the weak point of the opposite force. The goat decides to take vengeance on the Wolf. The reason that generated this was the fact that the wolf made a critical mistake as he left the third kid alive and due to his testimony he is found guilty.
She knows the weak point of the wolf (food) and she has a reason to call him to the table (commemoration of the dead kids). She prepares using the best asset (intelligence), this action of cunning and falsity will render the best assets of the wolf (strength) useless. She decides to prepare food that will be placed on a fire pit full with burning wood covered with some sort of weak material that will give way to pressure and a wax chair to trigger the pressure built once melted by the falling of the wolf. The final action is successful as the Wolf is to arrogant or stupid not to realize that he has been found out. He plays the Goats plan well not even suspecting the outcome. His death comes as in the cases of the other 2 kids because of his own stupidity, and mistaken decision.

duminică, 22 martie 2009

I was browsing the photos from my computer and I decided to post some photos with my 5 years old nephew (miss you dude). The Elvis Presley wanna be it's me.

vineri, 20 martie 2009


Nedelcu cum votezi la Congres? Tăriceanu sau Antonescu? Cum? Nu eşti la Congres?
Aşa un tânăr plin de elan ca tine... E o pierdere pentru patrie. Atât de multe speranţe pierdute, ce păcat. Gândeşte-te la ceilalţi tineri care aşteaptă semnalul tau.

Băncile sunt malefice

Criza economică ce a lovit întreaga planetă (sună de parcă ar fi un cataclism) este cauzată de bănci. Cel puţin aşa cred eu. Rapiditatea şi uşurinţa cu care s-au acordat credite a dus la îndatorarea populaţiei şi a mediului privat. Credit=bani plecaţi din bancă. În plus, dobânzile neafişate şi dobânzile crescute la depozitele de economii au făcut ca oamenii să se ferească de depozitarea banilor la bancă. Aţi observat şi dumneavostră mulţimea de sucursale şi rapiditatea cu care noi bănci şi-au făcut apariţia pe piaţa românească astfel că am ajuns să avem la fiecare colţ de stradă câte cinci sau mai multe sedii de bănci. Adunând toate acestea rezultă că băncile au rămas şi rămân în continuare fără bani. Singura soluţie este închiderea unui număr de sucursale şi pomparea de bani din băncile mamă către sucursale. Sau cea mai sigură este falimentarea. Dar până la falimentare, băncile mai au un instrument la dispoziţie şi se numeşte executare silită. Aici intervine statul. Revin, închiderea băncilor este singura soluţie viabilă.
Băncile sunt malefice pentru că profită de slăbiciunea oamenilor.

joi, 19 martie 2009

The real face of the Count

The main member of the band Pagan Flesh and Shades of Light agreed to welcome us in his home located in the Catacombs of Damnation. This is the first time fans can see him without his stage make-up. You can observe the malefic aura of evil surrounding his majestuous horned head. He is truly a God forsaken evil worshiper as he remains the only evil bringer in the world after the duel between Gorgoroth and Count on the stage of the "Bring Us EVIL" event that took place last summer.

joi, 12 martie 2009

Femeie de milionar

Astazi, citind presa, dau peste un articol reprezentand dreptul la replica al Mihaelei Radulescu. Acelasi mesaj in toate cotidienele. In fine, nu asta e important. Se pare ca Mihaela Radulescu (MR) a divortat de barbat'su si locuieste sau locuia impreuna cu acesta si cu copilul lor in continuare in locuinta comuna sau nu, nu cunosc. Aseara cica fostu barbat a expulzat femeia si copilu afara din casa. A chemat si politia ca s-o expulezeze. In fine. Se pune femeia sa explice care este situatia sau care nu este. Imi zic, saracuta de ea prin ce chinuri e obligata sa treaca. Citesc mai departe, cand, ce imi vad ochii? Citez din Mihaela Radulescu: "Ce fel de bărbat face asta, domnilor? Câte femei de milionar au trăit acest coşmar, doamnelor?" Poftim, zic? Cate femei de milionar? Femei de milionar? Brusc imi trec parerile de rau si compasiunea pentru biata femeie. Imi zic, stai asa bai. Femeie de milionar? Nu zic ca femeile de milionar n-ar trebui si ele protejate de abuzuri, dar gen zic cate femei de milionar cunosti, femei de milionar +abuzate? Eu personal nu cunosc nicio femeie de milionar, nu cunosc nici macar un milionar, n-am nici macar 100 lei in buzunar in momentul asta. Nu zi femeie de milionar. Daca as fi femeie si as fi abuzata oare cum as zice? Cate femei de parlit in cur au trait acest cosmar doamnelor?

marți, 10 martie 2009

Rock concerts could be banned in Bogota, Columbia

There is only one truly monstruous rock band in the world and that is IRON MAIDEN. During the concert of Iron Maiden in Bogota, the rockers that couldn't enter on the premises of the concert started a riot, devastating the shops around the concert venue. The clash between the police and the fans ended with 100 arrets and at least one injured cop. Due to this action of the fans, the mayor decided to ban rock concerts in Bogota.
Up the Irons!

Turkish Dish

I am turkish and I love being turkish because I can taste the oriental flavour whenever I want.

I was talking with a friend of mine (the anonimous Titu Eduard Stefan) the other day and he reminded me about a turkish dish which always reminds me of my grandmother. Suberek as you know it, ciborek as I know it.
I remember the Sunday days spent at my grandmother's with the entire family present, my grandparents, my parents, my brother, uncles, aunts, cousins. We were talking loud, all together, laughing, playing, sitting in my grandmother's garden filled with flowers and trees. In fact, we were waiting to eat. On the table there were some jars with cherry stew (my favourite) and pear stew waiting to be eaten along with the subereks. Whole large plates filled with them. Some with meat composition, some with cheese and some with jam. Man, it was a true feast of the mouth and belly.
We still have such Sundays.

luni, 9 martie 2009

A New Man Is In Town

As you probably know, Liviu Mihaiu (journalist, activist, ex-governor of A.R.B.D.D. (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve) has been replaced with the former executive deputy director of ARBDD, Grigore Baboianu. Now let's see, Liviu Mihaiu started his new job as governor with impossible declarations: he will stop the fishing in the Danube Delta, the only activity undertaken in Danube Delta will be tourism (dumb fucking ideea), he will stop the illegal fishing, he will take the entire wood resource of the Delta and put it under the control of the Administration, he will give another purpose to all agricultural terrains in the Delta (a green purpose), he even did raids with the relevant authorities with the aim of stopping poachers. Well, one day, Liviu Mihaiu tried to go on a raid but he was refused because the AUTHORITIES did not gave him the required men. So he woke up butt naked. Moreover, another government came and Liviu Mihaiu was replaced with relevant political colour. From the start, I suspected that Liviu Mihaiu served another's purposes. I still think that all he did was a facade for all the bad things that were still happening in the Delta, with or without his knowing.
Today I saw an article about the declaration of the minister of Environment, Nicolae Nemirschi.
He said that he has a gentlemen's agreement with the minister of agriculture that the industrial fishing will be stopped in the Danube Delta. A gentlemen's agreement? Come on, let's be serious. Such serious issue like the industrial fishing cannot be resolved by a gentlemen's agreement.
I, again, have the feeling that they are talking to fill our heads with promises. Exactly as they did in elections.

vineri, 6 martie 2009

Raspuns la Talmacu S.O.S

Ba deci sunt pocnit.
Nu stiu cum s-a intamplat da perioada asta primavaratica imi da cu astenia in mops.
Doar cititu' ma mai atrage. In rest munca si casa. Am devenit complet antisocial, gen nu am mai iesit in oras de la un anumit eveniment incoa. Munca in fiecare zi si destula asa ca zi-mi si mie cand pusk mea sa mai scriu? Tui primavara si starile cui stiu eu :)
Da bine ca mi-ai atras atentia sa ma reapuc de flagelat tastatura. Acu cat mai e timp.
Hai k am scris destul pt cat de pocnit sunt.

Talmacu S.O.S.

WARNING: This post may contain bad words. But he earns them.

I will not wait for Talmacu to write the rest of the story from "This is Balta" 2007 because I know he fucking entered in his usual inlove mode. I know he is sitting at his fucking cocksucking computer and writing dacian love poems to his dear beloved and fucking dreaming with his fucking lazy opened eyes. I also know that right now he is trying to fucking play at somebody else's fucking Hora guitar ( we all know that he is lame at playing guitar) a fucking lame song that he wrote, about brave cocksuking dacian warriors sitting on top of fucking holy mountains and fucking praying. So, I will post, starting next week, fucking pictures and words about Balta 2008 "Baza 1 and Schakal Organisation".

joi, 5 martie 2009

La mulţi ani!

La mulţi ani Bumbac !!!

Ştiu că ziua ta a trecut şi după cum am aflat azi, ea a fost pe 2 martie. Eu ştiam de pe pagina ta de hi5 că eşti născut pe 13 martie. În fine, îmi pare sincer rău că m-am încrezut în hi5. Nu o să mai fac asta. Promit că voi ţine minte data zile tale de naştere pentru că unul este Bumbăcelu. Ce prost am fost că nu am vazut asta mai devreme. Să ştii că orice ai crede despre mine, eu nu am niciun cui împotriva ta. Ba chiar te iubesc în felul meu special. Ştiu că te iubesc şi alţii dar asta este, mă mulţumesc şi cu atât.

Din suflet îţi urez încă odată la mulţi ani şi sănătate.

miercuri, 4 martie 2009

Old Photos

I broke bananamamarama's camera and I gave her mine, so I don't have a camera for the time being until I repaire it. So I post some old photos.

luni, 2 martie 2009




Însoţitoare de zbor la Gulf Air sau escorte de lux la Bahrain.

Când vine vorba de femei şi de bani, arabii ştiu ce vor. Compania Gulf Air a organizat la Cluj un concurs în vederea angajării unui număr de însoţitoare de zbor. Salariul 1800 de Euro. Candidatele au fost supuse unor probe cum ar fi: "măsurătoarea" (adicătelea dacă sunt bine la mărimi), probă de limba engleză (fata trebuie să ştie ce vrea şi cum să mulţumească clientul) şi întrebări de reacţie la diverse situaţii.Au existat şi câteva condiţii, dintre care: fără tatuaje şi pierce-uri, soţi sau copii (gen pe ceas zic). Candidatele vor în unanimitate să părăsească ţara încă din copilărie !!! şi sunt toate licenţiate, ba turism, ba banking. Angajatorii au ca scop angajarea a 200 din cele 600 de candidate. Aceştia şi-au propus angajarea a până la 2000 de persoane din România.