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marți, 16 noiembrie 2010

Just Her (part 1)

He looks at her and sees that nothing changed, she is as beautiful as the first time he saw her. He wants to tell her something, he wants to put her beauty in words, his lips are moving but there are no words.
He closes his eyes and thinks it’s just another dream.

She closes her eyes and wishes she could just turn back time when everything was fine. He is all that she missed.

He was happy in his favorite dream, only pleasant surprises with his favorite scenes. It was a beautiful day, no clouds in the sky. The only thing left to blind you was the sun in your eyes.

Finally he speaks:”Is it imagination? Or is everything real?„

It is me honey I am back to you for good. I hope I could just press rewind, I hope that I wouldn’t have changed my mind. I will just follow my heart because I missed you and I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Her long hair covers her breasts, but hides her neck.
He touches her hair, and uncovers desire, same perfect being he lived his wildest dreams with.
He leans towards her and kisses her lips. It’s not imagination, but everything is real. Her skin like milk and velvet is everything he sees, her lips like fire is all that he needs.

She puts her hands around his neck and gives in to him. His body is like hard rock, but he seems so soft. He’s got all the power, but touches her so tender. With his arms around her … oh how she missed the warmth of his embrace.

He grabs her thighs and puts her against the wall. Powerfully grips and presses firmly her body in his hands. It hurts, but she feels no pain. Then goes down to kiss the bruises he has made. Touches her belly with his tongue and delights the body with his hands. Turns toward her arms and kisses every inch. Squeezes the skin below her ribs so hard she wants to scream.

Argh … come sunshine, come rain, come pleasure, come pain!

No one can ever take your place he whispers. Then gently kisses her neck, and walks his tongue behind her ear.

Her body fills with joy and pleasure and still asks for more.

Strikes her against the wall, puts one hand in her neck and with the other squeezes her breasts. Let’s loose his grip and softly touches her neck, climbs with his other hand, just to come with the two feel her face and go down on her back while kissing every single part of her body.

Yes! Thrill me! Fill me! Rule me! Kiss me! God damn! Fuck me!

He grabs her, puts her with the face against the wall …
And …

14 comentarii:

  1. and.... what
    !?! ? i don't understand ... they made love ? how sweet and...

  2. ... and sit back and wait for 2nd and 3rd part

    ... and why would you say they made love ... its more or less teasing there

  3. LOOOLL! N-am crezut ca photobloger-ii vor vinde sex...Traim insa vremuri grele, si e nevoie de o schimbare de stil...maine poimaine o vad pe brtiney spears la Friday, it's music day...
    Misto textul, dar cam pornache asa! :))))

  4. Sex, Violenta, Droguri, OTV orice ...

    Nu e chiar porn, e mai degraba erotic textul.

  5. ntz, ntz, ntz... stii ce face munca pe plantatie din om? ... nici nu intreb de unde...

  6. Am mancat prea multe dulciuri si imi este greata. Si citesc textul. A cincea oara.
    Si simt un gust amar in gura. Textul scris cu italic ma loveste in ficat. "from the bottom of my heart" what the fuck...I guess you're just old fashioned.
    Her long hair covers her breasts, but hides her neck.It’s not imagination, but everything is real. (need revising)
    Personajele par doua puncte carora le sunt atribuite niste actiuni. Nu le vad miscandu-se cand citesc textul. Ai putea folosi diferite moduri ale verbelor pentru a conferi textului cursivitate.
    Oricum, da-i bataie, scrie in continuare. Exercise makes it better.
    p.s. comentez aici in calitate de nimeni in materie de scris. Doar mi-ai citit poeziile si stii cat de poponaristice si naspa erau, asa ca, te rog, nu te supara pe mine ca am comentat.

  7. @ LaMia: daca, in cativa ani, britney spears devine o metal whore si incepe sa bage growls ca George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher, cu siguranta o voi gazdui la rubrica Friday music

  8. E mai degraba TheAntiEroticMovement ha ha ha! it's called brutal sex :))) LOOOLL!
    Repede si Canibal cu setea lui de trash whore heavy dirty filthy metal! Gyzasss nu mai bea bere la masa ta? ...gen? :))))

  9. Ar mai fi si alte chestii care nu mi-au placut.

    De exemplu:
    - fata pare sa existe doar pentru a confirma actiunile barbatului;

    - replica tipei (paragraful de dupa ”Is it imagination? Or is everything real?„) parca nu are ... predicat. Nici nu e clar ca ar fi replica ei, si nu ofera o localizare in timp;

    - pentru fata nu am avut un model am incercat sa il creez, dar a iesit stearsa, singura chestie prin care isi atesta existenta e pe la inceput


    Dupa cum ti-am spus si la cafea ... in momentul in care am scris textul (cred ca a durat 5-10 minute) mi-a placut.

    La recitire insa am realizat ca e banal, iar singurele lucruri prin care iese in evidenta ar fi tenta erotica si faptul ca am reusit (cred) sa creionez barbatul ca pe unul care detine controlul.

    Cauza pentru unele din lucruri cred ca o stiu dar am sa ma opresc aici ca m-as destainui prea mult. :P

  10. Nu prea imi dau seama Canibale ce vrei sa spui prin faptul ca personajele nu se misca.

    Am cautat tandretea din partea ambilor si gesturi "sigure", care sa nu para amenintatoare. Exceptie face tipul dar despre asta am vb mai sus.

    Mai multa dinamica nu stiu daca puteam da .. doar sa ii pun sa se alerge (desi nu ar fi fost o idee rea).

    Ea sa ii frece o plama, el sa o stranga in brate si sa o sarute.
    Ea sa il muste, el sa ii treaca mana prin par (doar asa pt tease si sa traga un pic - ca doar sunt rau:P).
    Ea sa isi infiga unghiile in el, el sa ii prinda ambele maini si sa le tina impreuna doar cu o mana iar cu celalta sa se plimbe de jos in sus de la coapse spre gat, sa curga usor apoi in jos si sa ii fixeze corpul printr-o stransura cu mana in zona imferioara a coastelor ....

  11. se pare ca obiceiurile vechi mor greu
    oricum cine citeste textul asta si nu te cunoaste crede ca esti un musculos obsedat sexual care are o mataranga imensa cat sticla de pepsila jumate cu care isi brutalizeaza femeile( asta suna un pic a hentai)

  12. @ LaMia: de la Gizas am luat-o pe un fel de maria magdalena, ca avea tatele mari, numai ca nu stiu cum le avea maria magdalena, dar asta le avea mari. ma simteam dator.intr-o zi, dupa ce l-am vazut pe gizas la o masa vecina, eu fiind cu o prietena, le-am facut cunostinta. sper sa le fie bine impreuna.
    Muzical vorbind, nu sunt chiar asa violent. Sunt un mare iubitor de Queen, de exemplu.
    @TheAnti: propozitiile sunt scurte. citind textul, parca m-as uita la niste diapozitive si nu la un film. "Uitati aici, dragi elevi, el ii pune mana pe gat. punct. Acum sa trecem la urmatoarea imagine..." ceva de genul asta.
    nu il vad pe el punandu-i mana pe gat ci doar o poza cu el cu mana pe gatul ei.
    e ca si cum actiunea s-ar fi intamplat deja si tu mi-o relatezi si nu ca si cand actiunea s-ar intampla in momentul in care citesc textul.

  13. @ madhater - nu trebuie sa fii mare cat Arnold in perioada de glorie si sa o ai cat calul in erectie ca sa faci toate alea.

  14. oricum apreciez intentia amoros-scriitoriceasca, este sincera adica asa cum trebuie , textele cautate revizuite si ras-analizate isi pierd intotdeauna din savoare


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