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marți, 1 martie 2011

Fiction (Part 2)

Ever since the war for Morocco the world is in mourning, silence is everywhere.

The new power in Austria-Hungary, a secretive Government (lead by Pitu Guli) has taken over the Russian invasion of Romania and started its own.
Sweden has retreated back into the North and unchecked has wiped Finland off the face of this earth.
In this dark times Russia and Britain have became more isolate as nothing is known of their leaders.
Only the Spanish-German-Italian alliance is still active, the fact that the Proclamation of the New Roman Empire has been postponed is no fact to assume that this alliance will not come to pass. Europe is in the dark ages again, and only the flame of the new Empire can bring it back to life, Russia must be kicked out of Turkey first. And Austria must explain the invasion of Romania at once.
Spain has stayed on the side for too long; we go to do God's will.

2 comentarii:

  1. Woooooooow. This is more fictional than the first one.
    Dar incearca si povestioarele cu ce vorbeam la bere, fa un experiment.

  2. Vedem ... am sa mai postez din astea momentan, iar in functie de timp sper sa reusesc sa dezvolt si alte idei.


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