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joi, 13 ianuarie 2011

Poze Fundata

21 de comentarii:

  1. Cainele ala din ultimele poze (a 5-a de la coada) zici ca cere mila.
    ”Vreau sa fug, sa fiu liber iar fata asta ma tine prizonier!”

  2. Eu zic ca are aceeasi privire cand vrea sa ti-o traga la picior si se codeste pe langa tine asa.

  3. Sa fie atunci ceva de genul: ”Oh my god, I will have sex ... and this time ... with a girl!”

  4. a fost oricum pe val, la cate picioare a calarit weekendu' ala. a avut si cainii aia mici de alaturi, bine, i-a avut in felul lui.

  5. dear canibal, would you be kind enough to delete the picture where my mouth is open.....thank you very much!
    and could you please send me the rest of the pictures on my email address!

  6. Oh my God! So many requests. Do that, send that. It's a nice picture. I like it. Give me a serious reason the remove the picture.

  7. Women usually find offensive when pictures of them with mouth open are made public.

  8. @cabibal: i think one can see all my cavities
    @TheAnti: considering the fact that you criticized canibal for putting a picture where u consider that u like like crap, i think i can do the same.....i do honestly consider that i look like shit......
    but anyway, if canibal says that it's a nice picture.....oh well

  9. @canibal: strici imaginea de macho(cred ca asa se scrie) a lui TheAnti....pui poze cu gagica-sa!

  10. You look fine, dude. Seriously. On the other hand, TheAnti was a little bit gay. You know, he can be like that sometimes. But it's ok, we love him like that.

  11. - Yeah, some of pics made by canibal manage to show what I really am: gay!

    By the way does anyone else think I look fat in some of the pics?

    - I also like that pic.

  12. i think it's part of his charm :)))....but yeah, we do care about him regardless of all his flaws!

  13. auzi ba... in primul rand ca nu-s toate de la fundata si in al doilea rand scoate imediat toate pozele cu mine... fara motive pentru ca asa vreau eu!!! e clar!?

  14. tot anonim suparat13 ianuarie 2011 la 17:54

    si nu e o gluma!!!

  15. @anonim suparat: mno, Teddy, tu esti maica? Ai grija cu picioarele alea.

  16. bravo canibal !!!!!! asa se intampla cu anonimii care nu dau si cu identitatea in cetateni. anonim palarios

  17. anonim a.k.a teddy14 ianuarie 2011 la 14:35

    mai vedem noi... nu te pune cu teddy ca e pervers si a dracu', nu vrei sa isi scoata dintii la tine.

  18. Andreea a.k.a anonim suparat a.k.a Teddy14 ianuarie 2011 la 14:38

    mica florentza ce esti tu...

  19. p.s. dc nu stii care andreea deoarece sunt vreo 3 in poze... eu zic sa te mai gandesti, javra mica musca rau, nu am de gand sa-mi rezolv problemele si nici sa accept : " nu scot nimic"!!!

  20. Hai. Cine vrea sa scot poze sa spuna acum, super oferta. Daca zice Piron, atunci e musai. Dar scoti, da?

  21. ce sa zic... m-ai dezamagit Piron...


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