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joi, 17 decembrie 2009

marți, 15 decembrie 2009

Pantera - Regular People (Conceit)

Pantera - Regular People (Conceit)
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Perspective Optimiste

Am trecut printr-un sistem comunist, toti sunt comunisti si totusi nimeni nu este comunist;
Am avut ”Securitate” dar nu avem securisti (sau fosti securisti);
S-a facut politie politica, dar nimeni nu a facut politie politica;
Avem revolutionari, insa nu avem o revolutie;
Avem coruptie, dar nici un corupt;
Toata lumea da mita, dar nimeni nu primeste;

Iar ieri seara am aflat ca in Romania alegerile nu sunt fraudate!

luni, 14 decembrie 2009

Double envelopment

I have spent most of my time in the last month reading about medieval warfare: battles, tactics, weapons & armor, life in military camps...

As a big fan of Hannibal Barca and some previous background in ancient and medieval warfare I expected to read about boring fights that lack innovative tactical movements, especially when referring to medieval times.

But then came: Khalid ibn al-Walid (also known as ”the sword of Allah”).

Basically the ”double envelopment movement” is considered to be a military maneuver close to perfection. The flanks of the opponent are attacked in the same time after the opponent advances towards the centre, while the army employing such tactics moves towards the flanks in oder to surround the enemy.
This tactic was brilliantly used by Hannibal at the battle of Cannae in 216 Bc, moreover it is considered by historians that Hannibal was the first ever to employ such tactics.

The ”Battle of Walaja” (633 AD) is a show of great tactical skills employed by Khalid ibn al-Walid, which makes him to be the second in history that successfully uses the ”double envelopment movement” against a numerical superior army.
His unique style for that times is even more important as the medieval period warfare is not characterized by ”smart” moves made by generals, but rather skirmishes between the confronting armies.
I guess Khalid ibn al-Walid deserves more study as he is considered to have fought over 100 battles most of them against more numerically superior forces of Byzantine or Persian Empire and never lost one. Also one of his most important victory, the battle of Yarmouk (636 AD), is considered to be one of the most decisive battles in human history. Had its outcome be different the modern world of been unrecognizable.

Actiune caritabila


Asa cum unora v-am spus deja, Andreea (adica iu bi toi) si cu mine, ne gandeam ca de Craciun sa face niste copii putin mai fericiti.
Ne gandeam sa strangem niste b ani cu care sa cumparam niste dulciuri si sa le oferim unor copii de la un orfelinat.

Asadar, asa cum unii deja au fost deacord, am hotarat sa strangem intr-un cont niste bani si pentru ca nu are rost sa deschidem un cont special pentru asta, contul va fi al meu adica urmatorul:

RO25 RNCB 0318 0583 0054 0002
Deschis pe numele meu la sucursala:
BCR – Pantelimon
Daca aveti nevoie de alte date, va rog scrieti la comentarii.
*Doritorilor, le pot trimite un extras de cont la sfarsitul saptamanii.

Ma gandeam ca saptamana asta sa finalizam partea cu stransul de fonduri, iar la sfarsitul saptamanii, eu cu Ilhan (parca asa zicea) sa mergem sa cumparam.

Daca gasiti interesanta initiativa noastra, va invitam sa participati si eventual sa o promovati printre apropiati.
Puteti veni cu idei de cadouri si/sau locuri unde sa le impartim.

Daca am omis pe cineva, dati voi un forword.

Bine, bafta, pa pa pa !

PS : in functie de suma care se va strange, pot promite ca nu fug cu banii. Repet, in functie de suma care se va strange. (glumaaa !)

Paul Mihalache

sâmbătă, 12 decembrie 2009

Culmea somnului

Sa te culci presedinte si sa te trezesti prostanac!

vineri, 11 decembrie 2009


Teme False

Nici dreapta si nici stanga nu inseamna combaterea saraciei cu spaga pentru un vot, tot asa nici dreapta nici stanga nu inseamna acceptarea unor astfel de practici.

Felul in care se discuta votul din ultimele zile, si anume ca votul unui cetatean din Bucuresti este mai mult sau mai putin important decat al unuia din sate, sau ca votul unuia din America e mai mult sau mai putin important decat al unuia din tara, consider ca reprezinta o tema falsa care distrage atentia de la adevarata problema:

Furtul, mita, implicarea structurilor de stat in alegeri nu reprezinta o chestiune de ideologie, ci una de legalitate.

marți, 8 decembrie 2009

Mult prea poponaristic

Reprezentarea se numeşte "Înfrigurat, în aşteptarea clienţilor" (a se observa lotiunea din fundal)

Dragă Crin,

Dragă Crin,

Nu mă trăda! Eu te voi aştepta încă cinci ani. Nu-l lăsa pe Tări să facă ce-l taie capul. Rămâi unde eşti.
Aseară mi-a fost frig, deşi în casă era cald. Presimt că nu o să-mi fie bine deloc în perioada următoare. Am prieteni care l-au votat pe Băse. Mi-e frică. Cum o să mai ies cu ei la cafea?
Mă întrebam alaltăieri dacă Băse are în ochi un emiţător cu care spală creierele oamenilor. Se uită la tine vzzzzzz vzzzzzz, brain wash direct, comunistilor, geoana e un comunist, basescu gandeste, basescu are atitudine, geoana e slab, geoana e fraier.
Crin, zi-mi tu ce să fac!

luni, 7 decembrie 2009

Back from Ireland

Small buildings, usually 2-3 floors high and made of bricks. Small gardens in front of each house. Old english houses, and the new ones follow the pattern.

People on the sidewalks, byciles, some motorbykes and a couple of cars on the streets. No traffic jam.

Cold but no wind. Temperature close to 0 Celsius degrees, but many girls were wearing t-shitrs and short dresses.

Pubs … Temple Bar … pints of Hearp (irish local beer) and Guinness, shoots of wiskey (some local brand) … no smocking. I usually smoke about a pack of cigarettes while drinking, this time I only smoked 2 cigarettes, as the only place i could smoke was outside the pub.

Museums were closing at 5 pm (4pm last visit) and as i was finishing my ”things” after 5pm could only see them from outside, at least in the last day i managed to see Dublinia at noon (only for 30 min though as i had to hurry to catch the plane).

Visit at the Guinness factory in Dublin, drank a couple of pints at the bar there. Just a note: the bar was at the 7th floor so was the biggest building in a large area, the walls of the bar were made of glass so there was a great view of the city.

Speechless …

Ireland is not one of the big economic powers, actually is usually overlooked and in the shade of their well-known neighbour – England, but nevertheless it appears they managed to build up a nice country. No spectacular things, no ultra – mega structure/wonder, but great strong points overall.

I came back from Ireland on Friday and today, after 3 days, I am still dreaming of Ireland and I guess I will still have this feeling for a lot of time from now on.

So back from Ireland ... Back to romanian shit now!